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  • Journal article
    Zavras TD, Race A, Bull AMJ, Amis AAet al., 2001,

    A comparative study of 'isometric' points for anterior cruciate ligament graft attachment

  • Book
    Aichroth PM, Wolman R, Maunder T, Amis AA, Bull AMJ, Mahadevan Vet al., 2001,

    Sports injuries: the knee

    , London, Publisher: Primal Pictures, ISBN: 9781902470214
  • Journal article
    Bull AMJ, McGregor AH, 2000,

    Measuring spinal motion in rowers: the use of an electromagnetic device

    , CLINICAL BIOMECHANICS, Vol: 15, Pages: 772-776, ISSN: 0268-0033
  • Journal article
    Bull AMJ, Andersen HN, Basso O, Targett J, Amis AAet al., 1999,

    Incidence and mechanism of the pivot shift - An in vitro study

    , Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, Vol: 363, Pages: 219-231, ISSN: 0009-921X
  • Journal article
    Bull AMJ, Amis AA, 1998,

    Knee joint motion: description and measurement

    , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine, Vol: 212, Pages: 357-372, ISSN: 0954-4119
  • Journal article
    Bull AMJ, Amis AA, 1998,

    The pivot shift phenomenon: a clinical and biomechanical perspective

    , Knee, Vol: 5, Pages: 141-158
  • Journal article
    Bull AMJ, Berkshire FH, Amis AA, 1998,

    Accuracy of an electromagnetic measurement device and application to the measurement and description of knee joint motion

    , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine, Vol: 212, Pages: 347-355, ISSN: 0954-4119
  • Journal article
    Bull AMJ, Amis AA, 1998,

    Knee joint motion: description and measurement

    , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine, Vol: 212, Pages: 357-372, ISSN: 0954-4119
  • Book
    Aichroth PM, Cannon WD, Mahadevan V, Bull AMJ, Harris JMet al., 1998,

    The Interactive Knee. Surgery

    , London, Publisher: Primal Pictures
  • Journal article
    Bull AMJ, Amis AA, 1997,

    Accuracy of an electromagnetic tracking device

    , Journal of Biomechanics, Vol: 30, Pages: 857-858

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Contact us

Professor Anthony Bull
Department of Bioengineering
Room B217, Bessemer Building
Imperial College London
London, SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5186

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