Facilities 1

Dr Amy Maslivec - Researcher and 'patient' willing staff member Gait analysis lab

Treadmill Analysis Laboratory

We use the instrumented treadmill to assess patients' gait before and after arthroplasty, and for biomechanical kinetic analysis for a range of studies.

For further details please contact:

Dr Amy Maslivec
+44 (0)20 7594 3441

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Dr Matthew Banger conducts a consultation in the biodynamics lab.

Biodynamics Laboratory

Our facilities include an optical motion system, wireless EMG systems, force platforms, electromagnetic motion systems, electrogoniometry, instrumented stairs, an isokinetics dynamometer and other devices.

For further details please contact:

Matthew Banger

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In the Nick Davey Neurophysiology Laboratory, Paul Strutton and a student are conducting cortical and reflex control of movement tests

Nick Davey Neurophysiology Laboratory

We explore cortical and reflex control of movement using a range of stimulation and recording techniques including transcranial magnetic stimulation and peripheral nerve stimulation.

For further details please contact:

Dr Paul Strutton

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Facilities 3

Rima  and Martinique in skills lab

The Surgical Skills Laboratory

The laboratory is fully equipped for dry bone workshops. The space is designed to enable groups to acquire skills with a range of technologies that simulate the feel of a real operating theatre. Instruments are also available to test both the position and orientation of any procedure, and the mechanical strength of the construct.

For further details please contact:

Lydia Trickey

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3D Printing

The MSK Lab has an EOS P110 Formiga SLS (selective laser sintering) 3D Printer. This process sinters powdered nylon-12 (PA 2200) to produce 3D objects.

Primarily used to manufacture patient specific guides and single use instruments for orthopaedic surgery, parts manufactured on this machine are highly accurate, flexible and strong.

The machine has a build volume of 200 mm x 250 mm x 330 mm, a resolution of 0.1mm and on average takes 24 hours for a full height build.

Parts can be printed on the printer for a fee. For further details please contact:

Peter Cooney

Surgical Training Laboratory

This dedicated laboratory hosts training courses and research studies related to orthopaedic surgical skills. It is equipped with Virtual Reality (VR) and mixed-reality headsets and recording cameras. Surgeons and their team can learn new skills, practice familiar procedures, and receive detailed feedback in the safety of a simulated operating room.

Beyond their training applications, this laboratory serves as a centre for 3D scanning technology. Surgical instruments and bone models can be digitised, allowing for the development of new tools and techniques and the assessment of surgical performance.
We welcome collaborators from within Imperial College and beyond, so if you would like to run a surgical training course in the laboratory or set up a research study related to simulation or 3D modelling, please get in touch. 

For further details please contact:

Lydia Trickey

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