Imperial College London


Business School

Research Fellow







Centre for Climate Finance and Investment14-15 Princes GardensSouth Kensington Campus





Pernille Holtedahl is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Climate Finance and Investment. Her area of expertise is green finance, including fixed income instruments (green and sustainable bonds), investor trends and public-private financing of nature-based solutions.

Pernille’s primary research interests at CCFI are models and incentive systems for increasing private investments in nature. Recent publications for industry partners include Corporate Action on Biodiversity: an Exploration of Drivers; Nature Investment as a Response to the Climate Crisis: Opportunities in Southeast Asia, and; Can Markets Save Nature? Investing in Nature to Tackle Biodiversity Loss and Enhance Food Security. She leads the Centre's research workstream on nature and is a frequent participant in industry-facing speaking events and conferences.  

Going forward, Pernille would like to explore multidisciplinary research and complex systems thinking to solving the nature and climate crisis. The economic case for greater public investment in nature and optimal distribution between public and private responsibilities is another topic of interest.

In addition to her research activities at CCFI, she is a senior consultant to S&P Global where she applies the Shades of Green methodology to rating fixed income instruments. She is also the founder of Blue Maia Ltd., an advisory firm, helping public and private sector clients design and implement green investment programmes. Her clients include banks, the UK Government, European and US Foundations, think tanks, bilateral aid agencies, the World Bank, and European Investment Bank.

Prior to joining Imperial College, Pernille worked for Vivid Economics, the Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research, DNV GL and as an independent consultant. She started her career at the World Bank and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. 

Pernille holds a PhD in environmental economics from George Washington University and a BA in economics and political science from the University of Oslo.



Solomon S, Bureau-Cauchois G, Ahmed N, et al., 2014, CO2 Storage Capacity Assessment of Deep Saline Aquifers in the Mozambique Basin, Energy Procedia, Vol:63, ISSN:1876-6102, Pages:5266-5283

Uddin N, Holtedahl P, 2013, Emission trading schemes – avenues for unified accounting practices, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol:52, ISSN:0959-6526, Pages:46-52

Vennemo H, Aunan K, Jinghua F, et al., 2006, Domestic Environmental Benefits of China's Energy-Related CDM Potential, Climatic Change, Vol:75, ISSN:0165-0009, Pages:215-239

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