Principal investigator

Nicolas Rojas Dr Nicolas Rojas
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London
Postdoc Yale University, USA; Postdoc SUTD-MIT IDC, Singapore;
PhD UPC-BarcelonaTech, Spain (Robotics)


Icey Lu Dr Icey Lu (q.lu17 at
Visiting postdoctoral researcher
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London      
Academy for Engineering & Technology, Fudan University      
PhD Imperial College London (Robotics);       
MSc University of Bristol (Robotics); BEng University of Bristol (Mech Eng)     
Research areas: Robot hand design, Dexterous manipulation, Grasping

 PhD students

Digby Chappell Digby Chappell (d.chappell19 at
PhD student (Co-supervised with Dr Petar Kormushev and Prof. Fernando Bello)
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London      
MEng University of Cambridge (Computer Engineering)     
Research area: Prosthetic and assistive devices (Prosthetic hands)
Wei Chen Wei Chen (w.chen21 at
PhD student
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London      
MSc King's College London (Robotics);      
BEng Taiyuan University of Technology, China (Mech Des & Automation)    
Research area: Grasping, Dexterous manipulation (Deformable objects)
Xiaoshuai Chen Xiaoshuai Chen (c.xiaoshuai19 at
PhD student
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London      
MRes Imperial College London (Medical Robotics);      
BEng Queen's University Belfast (Mech Eng); BEng Chongqing University, China (Mechatronics)    

Research area: Dexterous manipulation
Dongmyoung Lee Dongmyoung Lee (d.lee20 at
PhD student
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London      
MSc KAIST, South Korea (Mech Eng); BSc KAIST, South Korea (Mech Eng) 
Research area: Grasping, Robot hand design (Deformable objects)
Kelin Li Kelin Li (k.li20 at
PhD student
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London      
MSc Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China (Mech Eng);
BSc Hunan University, China (Mech Des & Automation)   
Research areas: Grasping, Dexterous manipulation (Household objects)
Michele Tonan Michele Tonan (m.tonan23 at
Visiting PhD student
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London      
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova      
MSc/BSc Univerity of Padova, Italy (Mech Eng)   
Research areas: Robot mechanisms, Robot hand design
Xinran Wang Xinran Wang (xinran.wang20 at
PhD student
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London      
MSc University of Birmingham (CompSci); BSc Virginia Tech, USA (Mech Eng)   
Research areas: Continuum robots, Malleable robots


Eva Cheung Eva Cheung
MSc student
Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London     
BEng University of Reading (Biomedical Eng) 

Research area: Prosthetic and assistive devices (Prosthetic hands)    
MSc project: Examine the influence of the design characteristics, motor latency and prostheses weight, on motor dexterity and user experience in Upper Limb Prostheses 
Eva Cheung Neil Patel
UROP student, MEng Design Engineering
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London
2022, EPSRC Vacation Bursary
Research area: Robot hand design
► Year 3, MEng DesEng, Imperial College London    
Angus Clark Angus Clark
PhD student
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London      
MEng University of Southampton (Mech Eng/Mechatronics) 
Research areas: Malleable robots, Robot hand design, Prosthetic and assistive devices (Prosthetic hands) 
PhD thesis: Malleable robots: Continuously bending reconfigurable robot manipulators for flexible handling and assembly
► Senior Robotics Research Engineer, Dyson  
Zeyu Yang Zeyu Yang
UROP student, MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London
Research area: Prosthetic and assistive devices (Prosthetic hands)  
► PhD student, University of Oxford     
 Manith Adikari Manith Adikari
MEng final year student
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London
Research area: Tactile dexterity     
MEng project: Robotic object identification with tactile sensing and machine learning
 Ta Ji Ta Ji
MEng final year student
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London
Research area: Prosthetic and assistive devices (Prosthetic hands)     
MEng project: M-EPT: A modular electromyography controlled painting tool for OLYMPIC Hand
 Kiran Ravi Kiran Ravi
MEng final year student (Co-supervised with Prof. Ferdinando Rodriguez y Baena)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London
Research area: Continnum robots (Medical robots)     
MEng project: Towards an everting robot for colonoscopy procedures
 Christopher Vail Christopher Vail
MEng final year student (Co-supervised with Dr Marco Aurisicchio)
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London
Research area: Dexterous manipulation (Household objects)     
MEng project: Synthetic scene generation for precision unscrewing tasks: First steps towards robotic disassembly of WEEE
► Software Developer, PolyMetrix     

 Xian Zhang Xian Zhang
MEng final year student
Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London
Research area: Grasping (Planning)     
MEng project: Integrated grasp and motion planning controller for novel multi-finger robot gripper
► Associate Consultant, ZS     
 Nicholas Baron Dr Nicholas Baron
Postdoc, PhD student, MSc student
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London     
PhD University of Sussex (Informatics);       
MSc University of Sussex (Mech Eng); BSc University of Bristol (Physics)
Research areas: Grasping, Robot mechanisms  
MSc project: Design and construction of a planar-parallel robotic platform that is able to avoid the production of singulairities   
PhD thesis: Kinematically redundant parallel robots for high performance applications
► Mechatronics Engineer, Ocado Technology  
Alex Ranne Alex Ranne
UROP student, MEng Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London
Research area: Malleable robots (Human-robot interaction)   
► PhD student, Imperial College London     

Jinhong Wang Jinhong Wang
UROP student, MEng Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London
Research area: Robot hand design, Grasping
► PhD student, Imperial College London 
 Sanjeevan Nallathambbi Sanjeevan Nallathambbi
MSc student
Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London      
BEng University of New South Wales, Australia (Aerospace Eng)
Research area: Robot mechanisms     
MSc project: Design of a robotic arm for aerial manipulation with reduced dynamic complexities
► Manufacturing Engineer, Micron Technology  
Visakan Mathivannan Visakan Mathivannan
MEng final year student
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London
Research area: Continuum robots     
MEng project: An open source low cost continuum robot system for accessible transluminal endoscopic surgery
► Product Manager, Atmo Technology

 Soheil Sarabandi Soheil Sarabandi
Visiting PhD student
Institute of Robotics and Industrial Informatics, UPC-BarcelonaTech, Spain
MSc Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran (Mech Eng); BSc Islamic Azad University, Iran (Mech Eng)
Research area: Dexterous manipulation (Soft fingertips)
► Postdoc, University of Pisa 
Aida Manzano Aida Manzano Kharman
UROP student, MEng Design Engineering
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London
2019-20, EPSRC Vacation Bursary   
Research area: Robot mechanisms (Reconfigurable modular robots)
► Year 3, MEng DesEng, Imperial College London
Matthew Shen Matthew Shen
UROP student, MSci Physics
Department of Physics, Imperial College London
Research area: Prosthetic and assistive devices (Exoskeletons)
► MPhil student, University of Cambridge 
Lois Liow Lois Liow
MEng final year student
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London
Research area: Prosthetic and assistive devices (Prosthetic hands)     
MEng project: OLYMPIC, a modular prosthetic hand with novel finger and wrist coupling mechanisms 
► Robotics Engineer, Simonix Digital Labs 

Guochao Bai Dr Guochao Bai
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London     
PhD Heriot-Watt University (Mech Eng); PhD BUPT, China (Mechatronics);
BEng University of Jinan, China (Mech Eng)
Research area: Robot hand design
► Founder, ChangingTek 
Gordon Cheung Yat (Gordon) Cheung
UROP student, MEng Design Engineering
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London
Research area: Robot mechanisms (Parallel robots)
► Year 4, MEng DesEng, Imperial College London
 Hamish Beck Hamish Beck
UROP student, MSci Physics
Department of Physics, Imperial College London
2017, EPSRC Vacation Bursary  
Research area: Dexterous manipulation (Soft fingertips)
► Year 4, MSci Physics, Imperial College London

 Annagiulia Morachioli Annagiulia Morachioli
Visiting PhD student (Co-supervised with Dr Marco Aurisicchio)
The BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy
MSc/BSc University of Pisa, Italy (Biomedical Eng)
Research area: Dexterous manipulation (Human manipulation)
► Project Manager, Shadow Robot Company



Contact us

Dyson School of Design Engineering
Imperial College London
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington

For more information about the REDS Lab, please contact Dr Nicolas Rojas.