EPSRC Capital Award Emphasising Support for Early Career Researchers: results

EPSRC Capital Award Emphasising Support for Early Career Researchers: results

In 2018, the following 8 awards were made from the College’s institutional grant from EPSRC forCapital Award Emphasising Support for Early Career Researchers

  • Amanda Foust (Bioengineering), Instrument for characterizing two-photon absorption and action spectra of red and near-infrared fluorophores and membrane conductance actuators
  • Andreas Kafizas (Chemistry), Powder/ thin-film X-ray diffractometer
  • Athanasios Paschalis (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Nitrogen and Phosphorus retention using vegetated bio-filtration systems
  • Katerina Tsiampousi (Civil and Environmental Engineering), hT-C oedeometer
  • Richard van Arkel (Mechanical Engineering), Capital equipment to enable pre-clinical testing of implant fixation in living bone
  • Gregory Scott (Medicine), A flexible high content analysis platform
  • Michael Vanner and Steven Kolthammer (Physics), Multi-user superconducting single-photon detection system


Studentship extensions for students whose research has been impacted by Covid-19 are not available for students funded by the following NPIF grants:

  • EP/R512540/1 (NPIF 2017)
  • EP/S515085/1 (NPIF 2018)

This is due to a lack of available budget from EPSRC to offer funded extensions.