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  • Journal article
    Weeks TL, Betts MG, Pfeifer M, Wolf C, Banks-Leite C, Barbaro L, Barlow J, Cerezo A, Kennedy CM, Kormann UG, Marsh CJ, Olivier PI, Phalan BT, Possingham HP, Wood EM, Tobias JAet al., 2023,

    Climate-driven variation in dispersal ability predicts responses to forest fragmentation in birds

    , Nature Ecology and Evolution, Vol: 7, Pages: 1079-1091, ISSN: 2397-334X

    Species sensitivity to forest fragmentation varies latitudinally, peaking in the tropics. A prominent explanation for this pattern is that historical landscape disturbance at higher latitudes has removed fragmentation-sensitive species or promoted the evolution of more resilient survivors. However, it is unclear whether this so-called extinction filter is the dominant driver of geographic variation in fragmentation sensitivity, particularly because climatic factors may also cause latitudinal gradients in dispersal ability, a key trait mediating sensitivity to habitat fragmentation. Here we combine field survey data with a morphological proxy for avian dispersal ability (hand-wing index) to assess responses to forest fragmentation in 1,034 bird species worldwide. We find that fragmentation sensitivity is strongly predicted by dispersal limitation and that other factors—latitude, body mass and historical disturbance events—have relatively limited explanatory power after accounting for species differences in dispersal. We also show that variation in dispersal ability is only weakly predicted by historical disturbance and more strongly associated with intra-annual temperature fluctuations (seasonality). Our results suggest that climatic factors play a dominant role in driving global variation in the impacts of forest fragmentation, emphasizing the need for more nuanced environmental policies that take into account local context and associated species traits.

  • Journal article
    Abubakkar-Waziri H, Kalaiarasan G, Wawman R, Hobbs F, Adcock I, Dilliway C, Fang F, Pain C, Porter A, Bhavsar PK, Ransome E, Savolainen V, Kumar P, Chung KFet al., 2023,

    SARS-CoV2 in public spaces in West London UK during COVID-19 pandemic

    , BMJ Open Respiratory Research, Vol: 10, ISSN: 2052-4439

    Background: Spread of SARS-CoV2 by aerosol is considered an important mode of transmission over distances >2 m, particularly indoors.Objectives: We determined whether SARS-CoV2 could be detected in the air of enclosed/semi-enclosed public spaces.Methods and analysis: Between March 2021 and December 2021 during the easing of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions after a period of lockdown, we used total suspended and size-segregated particulate matter (PM) samplers for the detection of SARS-CoV2 in hospitals wards and waiting areas, on public transport, in a university campus and in a primary school in West London.Results: We collected 207 samples, of which 20 (9.7%) were positive for SARS-CoV2 using quantitative PCR. Positive samples were collected from hospital patient waiting areas, from hospital wards treating patients with COVID-19 using stationary samplers and from train carriages in London underground using personal samplers. Mean virus concentrations varied between 429 500 copies/m3 in the hospital emergency waiting area and the more frequent 164 000 copies/m3 found in other areas. There were more frequent positive samples from PM samplers in the PM2.5 fractions compared with PM10 and PM1. Culture on Vero cells of all collected samples gave negative results.Conclusion: During a period of partial opening during the COVID-19 pandemic in London, we detected SARS-CoV2 RNA in the air of hospital waiting areas and wards and of London Underground train carriage. More research is needed to determine the transmission potential of SARS-CoV2 detected in the air.

  • Report
    Kirkpatrick L, Adjiman C, ApSimon H, Berry A, de Nazelle A, Mijic A, Myers R, Woodward G, Workman Met al., 2023,

    Systems thinking for the transition to zero pollution

    , Systems thinking for the transition to zero pollution,, Publisher: Grantham Institute, 40

    Systems approaches are vital for coordinating decision-making in the face of complex issues because they provide the whole picture view needed to avoid negative unintended consequences and to generate genuine benefits. This paper explains how systems thinking can be used to address environmental pollution and support decision-makers in finding solutions.

  • Journal article
    Terlau JF, Brose U, Boy T, Pawar S, Pinsky M, Hirt MRet al., 2023,

    Predicting movement speed of beetles from body size and temperature

    , MOVEMENT ECOLOGY, Vol: 11, ISSN: 2051-3933
  • Journal article
    Lopez-Romero FA, Stumpf S, Kamminga P, Boehmer C, Pradel A, Brazeau MD, Kriwet Jet al., 2023,

    Shark mandible evolution reveals patterns of trophic and habitat-mediated diversification

    , Communications Biology, Vol: 6, ISSN: 2399-3642

    Environmental controls of species diversity represent a central research focus in evolutionary biology. In the marine realm, sharks are widely distributed, occupying mainly higher trophic levels and varied dietary preferences, mirrored by several morphological traits and behaviours. Recent comparative phylogenetic studies revealed that sharks present a fairly uneven diversification across habitats, from reefs to deep-water. We show preliminary evidence that morphological diversification (disparity) in the feeding system (mandibles) follows these patterns, and we tested hypotheses linking these patterns to morphological specialisation. We conducted a 3D geometric morphometric analysis and phylogenetic comparative methods on 145 specimens representing 90 extant shark species using computed tomography models. We explored how rates of morphological evolution in the jaw correlate with habitat, size, diet, trophic level, and taxonomic order. Our findings show a relationship between disparity and environment, with higher rates of morphological evolution in reef and deep-water habitats. Deep-water species display highly divergent morphologies compared to other sharks. Strikingly, evolutionary rates of jaw disparity are associated with diversification in deep water, but not in reefs. The environmental heterogeneity of the offshore water column exposes the importance of this parameter as a driver of diversification at least in the early part of clade history.

  • Journal article
    Sethi S, Ewers RM, Balakrishnan R, 2023,

    Ecology: correct the digital data divide

    , Nature, Vol: 617, Pages: 35-35, ISSN: 0028-0836
  • Journal article
    Osborne OG, Dobreva MP, Papadopulos AST, de Moura MSB, Brunello AT, de Queiroz LP, Pennington RT, Lloyd J, Savolainen Vet al., 2023,

    Mapping the root systems of individual trees in a natural community using genotyping-by-sequencing

    , New Phytologist, Vol: 238, Pages: 1305-1317, ISSN: 0028-646X

    •The architecture of root systems is an important driver of plant fitness, competition and ecosystem processes. However, the methodological difficulty of mapping roots hampers the study of these processes. Existing approaches to match individual plants to belowground samples are low throughput and species specific. Here, we developed a scalable sequencing-based method to map the root systems of individual trees across multiple species. We successfully applied it to a tropical dry forest community in the Brazilian Caatinga containing 14 species. • We sequenced all 42 individual shrubs and trees in a 14 × 14 m plot using double-digest restriction site-associated sequencing (ddRADseq). We identified species-specific markers and individual-specific haplotypes from the data. We matched these markers to the ddRADseq data from 100 mixed root samples from across the centre (10 × 10 m) of the plot at four different depths using a newly developed R package. • We identified individual root samples for all species and all but one individual. There was a strong significant correlation between belowground and aboveground size measurements, and we also detected significant species-level root-depth preference for two species. • The method is more scalable and less labour intensive than the current techniques and is broadly applicable to ecology, forestry and agricultural biology.

  • Journal article
    Dunning J, Burke T, Chan AHH, Chik HYJ, Evans T, Schroeder Jet al., 2023,

    Opposite-sex associations are linked with annual fitness, but sociality is stable over lifetime

    , Behavioral Ecology, Vol: 315, Pages: 315-324, ISSN: 1045-2249

    Animal sociality, an individual’s propensity to associate with others, has fitness consequences through mate choice, for example, directly, by increasing the pool of prospective partners, and indirectly through increased survival, and individuals benefit from both. Annually, fitness consequences are realized through increased mating success and subsequent fecundity. However, it remains unknown whether these consequences translate to lifetime fitness. Here, we quantified social associations and their link to fitness annually and over lifetime, using a multi-generational, genetic pedigree. We used social network analysis to calculate variables representing different aspects of an individual’s sociality. Sociality showed high within-individual repeatability. We found that birds with more opposite-sex associates had higher annual fitness than those with fewer, but this did not translate to lifetime fitness. Instead, for lifetime fitness, we found evidence for stabilizing selection on opposite-sex sociality, and sociality in general, suggesting that reported benefits are only short-lived in a wild population, and that selection favors an average sociality.

  • Journal article
    Cornford R, Spooner F, McRae L, Purvis A, Freeman Ret al., 2023,

    Ongoing over-exploitation and delayed responses to environmental change highlight the urgency for action to promote vertebrate recoveries by 2030

  • Journal article
    Shen Y, Cai W, Prentice IC, Harrison SPet al., 2023,

    Community abundance of resprouting in woody plants reflects fire return time, intensity, and type

    , Forests, Vol: 14, Pages: 1-13, ISSN: 1999-4907

    Plants in fire-prone ecosystems have evolved a variety of mechanisms to resist or adapt to fire. Post-fire resprouting is a key adaptation that promotes rapid ecosystem recovery and hence has a major impact on the terrestrial carbon cycle. However, our understanding of how the incidence of resprouting varies in different fire regimes is largely qualitative. The increasing availability of plant trait data and plot-based species cover data provides an opportunity to quantify the relationships between fire-related traits and fire properties. We investigated the quantitative relationship between fire frequency (expressed as the fire return time) and the proportion of resprouters in woody plants using plot data on species cover from Australia and Europe. We also examined the relationship between the proportion of resprouters and gross primary production (GPP) and grass cover, where GPP was assumed to reflect fuel loads and hence fire intensity, while grass cover was considered to be an indicator of the likelihood of ground fire and the speed of fire spread, using generalised linear modelling. The proportion of resprouting species decreased significantly as the fire return time increased. When the fire return time was considered along with other aspects of the fire regime, the proportion of resprouters had significant negative relationships with the fire return time and grass cover and a significant positive relationship with GPP. These findings demonstrate that plants with the ability to resprout occur more often where fire regimes are characterised by high-frequency and high-intensity crown fires. Establishing quantitative relationships between the incidence of resprouting and the fire return time and fire type provides a basis for modelling resprouting as a consequence of the characteristics of the fire regime, which in turn makes it possible to model the consequences of changing fire regimes on ecosystem properties.

  • Journal article
    Liu D, Semenchuk P, Essl F, Lenzner B, Moser D, Blackburn TM, Cassey P, Biancolini D, Capinha C, Dawson W, Dyer EE, Guenard B, Economo EP, Kreft H, Pergl J, Pysek P, van Kleunen M, Nentwig W, Rondinini C, Seebens H, Weigelt P, Winter M, Purvis A, Dullinger Set al., 2023,

    The impact of land use on non-native species incidence and number in local assemblages worldwide

  • Journal article
    Santini L, Tobias JA, Callaghan C, Gallego-Zamorano J, Benitez-Lopez Aet al., 2023,

    Global patterns and predictors of avian population density

  • Journal article
    Wyer C, Brian H, Cator L, 2023,

    Release from sexual selection leads to rapid genome-wide evolution in Aedes aegypti

    , Current Biology, Vol: 33, Pages: 1351-1357.e5, ISSN: 0960-9822

    The yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, mates in flight as part of ephemeral aggregations termed swarms. Swarms contain many more males than females, and males are thought to be subject to intense sexual selection.1,2 However, which male traits are involved in mating success and the genetic basis of these traits remains unclear. We used an experimental evolution approach to measure genome-wide responses of Ae. aegypti evolved in the presence and absence of sexual selection. These data revealed for the first time how sexual selection shapes the genome of this important species. We found that populations evolved under sexual selection retained greater genetic similarity to the ancestral population and a higher effective population size than populations evolving without sexual selection. When we compared evolutionary regimes, we found that genes associated with chemosensation responded rapidly to the elimination of sexual selection. Knockdown of one high-confidence candidate gene identified in our analysis significantly decreased male insemination success, further suggesting that genes related to male sensory perception are under sexual selection. Several mosquito control technologies involve the release of males from captive populations into the wild. For these interventions to work, a released male must compete against wild males to successfully inseminate a female. Our results suggest that maintaining the intensity of sexual selection in captive populations used in mass-releases is important for sustaining both male competitive ability and overall genetic similarity to field populations.

  • Journal article
    Liu M, Shen Y, Gonzalez-Samperiz P, Gil-Romera G, ter Braak CJF, Prentice IC, Harrison SPet al., 2023,

    Holocene climates of the Iberian Penisula: pollen-based reconstructions of changes in the west-east gradient of temperature and moisture

    , Climate of the Past, Vol: 19, Pages: 803-834, ISSN: 1814-9324

    The Iberian Peninsula is characterised by a steep west-east moisture gradient today, reflecting the dominance of maritime influences along the Atlantic coast and more Mediterranean-type climate further east. Holocene pollen records from the Peninsula suggest that this gradient was less steep during the mid-Holocene, possibly reflecting the impact of orbital changes on circulation and thus regional patterns in climate. Here we use 7214 pollen samples from 117 sites covering part or all of the last 12,000 years to reconstruct changes in seasonal temperature and in moisture across the Iberian Peninsula quantitatively. We show that there is an increasing trend in winter temperature at a regional scale, consistent with known changes in winter insolation. However, summer temperatures do not show the decreasing trend through the Holocene that would be expected if they were a direct response to insolation forcing. We show that summer temperature is strongly correlated with plant-available moisture (α), as measured by the ratio of actual evapotranspiration to equilibrium evapotranspiration, which declines through the Holocene. The reconstructions also confirm that the west-east gradient in moisture was considerably less steep than today during the mid-Holocene, indicating that atmospheric circulation changes (possibly driven by orbital changes) have been important determinants of the Holocene climate of the region.

  • Journal article
    Gkourtsouli-Antoniadou I, Ewing SRR, Hudson G, Pearson MAA, Schroeder J, Welch PEE, Wilkinson NII, Dunning Jet al., 2023,

    Age-specific survival in an English Twite <i>Linaria flavirostris</i> population

    , BIRD STUDY, Vol: 70, Pages: 59-63, ISSN: 0006-3657
  • Journal article
    Howes B, Gonzalez-Suarez M, Jensen HJ, Anjos LD, Develey PF, Hatfield JH, Morante-Filho JC, Uezu A, Banks-Leite Cet al., 2023,

    Deforestation alters species interactions

    , NATURAL SCIENCES, Vol: 3, ISSN: 2698-6248
  • Journal article
    Hong P, Li Z, Yang Q, Deng W, Xu Y, Tobias JA, Wang Set al., 2023,

    Functional traits and environment jointly determine the spatial scaling of population stability in North American birds

    , ECOLOGY, Vol: 104, ISSN: 0012-9658
  • Journal article
    Lawson J, Rizos G, Jasinghe D, Whitworth A, Schuller B, Banks-leite Cet al., 2023,

    Automated acoustic detection of Geoffroy's spider monkey highlights tipping points of human disturbance

  • Journal article
    Bloomfield K, van Hoolst R, Balzarolo M, Janssens IA, Vicca S, Ghent D, Prentice ICet al., 2023,

    Towards a general monitoring system for terrestrial primary production: a test spanning the European drought of 2018

    , Remote Sensing, Vol: 15, Pages: 1-15, ISSN: 2072-4292

    (1) Land surface models require inputs of temperature and moisture variables to generate predictions of gross primary production (GPP). Differences between leaf and air temperature vary temporally and spatially and may be especially pronounced under conditions of low soil moisture availability. The Sentinel-3 satellite mission offers estimates of the land surface temperature (LST), which for vegetated pixels can be adopted as the canopy temperature. Could remotely sensed estimates of LST offer a parsimonious input to models by combining information on leaf temperature and hydration? (2) Using a light use efficiency model that requires only a handful of input variables, we generated GPP simulations for comparison with eddy-covariance inferred estimates available from flux sites within the Integrated Carbon Observation System. Remotely sensed LST and greenness data were input from Sentinel-3. Gridded air temperature data were obtained from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. We chose the years 2018–2019 to exploit the natural experiment of a pronounced European drought. (3) Simulated GPP showed good agreement with flux-derived estimates. During dry conditions, simulations forced with LST performed better than those with air temperature for shrubland, grassland and savanna sites. (4) This study advances the prospect for a global GPP monitoring system that will rely primarily on remotely sensed inputs.

  • Report
    Preston-Allen R, Albini D, Barron L, Collins CM, Dumbrell A, Duncalf-Youngson H, Jackson M, Johnson A, Prentis A, Spurgeon D, Stasik N, Wells C, Woodward G, Perkins Ret al., 2023,

    Are urban areas hotspots for pollution from pet parasiticides?

    , Are urban areas hotspots for pollution from pet parasiticides?,, Publisher: Grantham Institute, Briefing Note 15

    This briefing considers the environmental impact of pet parasiticides, which are commonly used to kill parasites such as fleas and ticks. It reviews possible routes that chemicals from veterinary parasiticides enter the environment, what impacts they may have on natural ecosystems and how to balance the needs of domestic pets, people, and the environment.

  • Journal article
    Flintham E, Savolainen V, Mullon C, 2023,

    Male harm offsets the demographic benefits of good genes

    , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, Vol: 120, Pages: 1-9, ISSN: 0027-8424

    Sexual conflict can arise when males evolve traits that improve their mating success but in doing so harm females. By reducing female fitness, male harm can diminish offspring production in a population and even drive extinction. Current theory on harm is based on the assumption that an individual’s phenotype is solely determined by its genotype. But the expression of most sexually selected traits is also influenced by variation in biological condition (condition-dependent expression), such that individuals in better condition can express more extreme phenotypes. Here, we developed demographically explicit models of sexual conflict evolution where individuals vary in their condition. Because condition-dependent expression readily evolves for traits underlying sexual conflict, we show that conflict is more intense in populations where individuals are in better condition. Such intensified conflict reduces mean fitness and can thus generate a negative association between condition and population size. The impact of condition on demography is especially likely to be detrimental when the genetic basis of condition coevolves with sexual conflict. This occurs because sexual selection favors alleles that improve condition (the so-called good genes effect), producing feedback between condition and sexual conflict that drives the evolution of intense male harm. Our results indicate that in presence of male harm, the good genes effect in fact easily becomes detrimental to populations.

  • Journal article
    Cantwell-Jones A, Larson K, Ward A, Bates OK, Cox T, Gibbons C, Richardson R, Al-Hayali AMR, Svedin J, Aronsson M, Brannlund F, Tylianakis JM, Johansson J, Gill RJet al., 2023,

    Mapping trait versus species turnover reveals spatiotemporal variation in functional redundancy and network robustness in a plant-pollinator community

    , Functional Ecology, Vol: 37, Pages: 748-762, ISSN: 0269-8463

    Functional overlap among species (redundancy) is considered important in shaping competitive and mutualistic interactions that determine how communities respond to environmental change. Most studies view functional redundancy as static, yet traits within species—which ultimately shape functional redundancy—can vary over seasonal or spatial gradients. We therefore have limited understanding of how trait turnover within and between species could lead to changes in functional redundancy or how loss of traits could differentially impact mutualistic interactions depending on where and when the interactions occur in space and time. Using an Arctic bumblebee community as a case study, and 1277 individual measures from 14 species over three annual seasons, we quantified how inter- and intraspecific body-size turnover compared to species turnover with elevation and over the season. Coupling every individual and their trait with a plant visitation, we investigated how grouping individuals by a morphological trait or by species identity altered our assessment of network structure and how this differed in space and time. Finally, we tested how the sensitivity of the network in space and time differed when simulating extinction of nodes representing either morphological trait similarity or traditional species groups. This allowed us to explore the degree to which trait-based groups increase or decrease interaction redundancy relative to species-based nodes. We found that (i) groups of taxonomically and morphologically similar bees turn over in space and time independently from each other, with trait turnover being larger over the season; (ii) networks composed of nodes representing species versus morphologically similar bees were structured differently; and (iii) simulated loss of bee trait groups caused faster coextinction of bumblebee species and flowering plants than when bee taxonomic groups were lost. Crucially, the magnitude of these effects varied in spa

  • Journal article
    Valdez JWW, Callaghan CTT, Junker J, Purvis A, Hill SLL, Pereira HMMet al., 2023,

    The undetectability of global biodiversity trends using local species richness

    , ECOGRAPHY, Vol: 2023, ISSN: 0906-7590
  • Journal article
    Isbell F, Balvanera P, Mori AS, He J-S, Bullock JM, Regmi GR, Seabloom EW, Ferrier S, Sala OE, Guerrero-Ramirez NR, Tavella J, Larkin DJ, Schmid B, Outhwaite CL, Pramual P, Borer ET, Loreau M, Omotoriogun TC, Obura DO, Anderson M, Portales-Reyes C, Kirkman K, Vergara PM, Clark AT, Komatsu KJ, Petchey OL, Weiskopf SR, Williams LJ, Collins SL, Eisenhauer N, Trisos CH, Renard D, Wright AJ, Tripathi P, Cowles J, Byrnes JEK, Reich PB, Purvis A, Sharip Z, O'Connor M, Kazanski CE, Haddad NM, Soto EH, Dee LE, Diaz S, Zirbel CR, Avolio ML, Wang S, Ma Z, Liang J, Farah HC, Johnson JA, Miller BW, Hautier Y, Smith MD, Knops JMH, Myers BJE, Harmackova Z, Cortes J, Harfoot MBJ, Gonzalez A, Newbold T, Oehri J, Mazon M, Dobbs C, Palmer MSet al., 2023,

    Expert perspectives on global biodiversity loss and its drivers and impacts on people

    , FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, Vol: 21, Pages: 94-103, ISSN: 1540-9295
  • Journal article
    Qiao S, Harrison SP, Prentice IC, Wang Het al., 2023,

    Optimality-based modelling of wheat sowing dates globally

    , Agricultural Systems, Vol: 206, Pages: 1-11, ISSN: 0308-521X

    CONTEXTSowing dates are currently an essential input for crop models. However, in the future, the optimal sowing time will be affected by climate changes and human adaptations to these changes. A better understanding of what determines the choice of wheat type and sowing dates is required to be able to predict future crop yields reliably.OBJECTIVEThis study was conducted to understand how climate conditions affect the choice of wheat types and sowing dates globally.METHODSWe develop a model integrating optimality concepts for simulating gross primary production (GPP) with climate constraints on wheat phenology to predict sowing dates. We assume that wheat could be sown at any time with suitable climate conditions and farmers would select a sowing date that maximises yields. The model is run starting on every possible climatically suitable day, determined by climate constraints associated with low temperature and intense precipitation. The optimal sowing date is the day which gives the highest yield in each location. We evaluate the simulated optimal sowing dates with data on observed sowing dates created by merging census-based datasets and local agronomic information, then predict their changes under future climate scenarios to gain insight into the impacts of climate change.RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONSCold-season temperatures are the major determinant of sowing dates in the extra-tropics, whereas the seasonal cycle of monsoon rainfall is important in the tropics. Our model captures the timing of reported sowing dates, with differences of less than one month over much of the world; maximum errors of up to two months occur in tropical regions with large altitudinal gradients. Discrepancies between predictions and observations are larger in tropical regions than temperate and cold regions. Slight warming is shown to promote earlier sowing in wet areas but later in dry areas; larger warming leads to delayed sowing in most regions. These predictions arise due to the interac

  • Journal article
    Gumbs R, Gray C, Böhm M, Burfield I, Couchman O, Faith D, Forest F, Hoffmann M, Isaac N, Jetz W, Mace G, Mooers A, Safi K, Scott O, Steel M, Tucker C, Pearse W, Owen N, Rosindell Jet al., 2023,

    The EDGE2 protocol: advancing the prioritisation of Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered species for practical conservation action

    , PLoS Biology, Vol: 21, Pages: 1-22, ISSN: 1544-9173

    The conservation of evolutionary history has been linked to increased benefits for humanity and can be captured by phylogenetic diversity (PD). The Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) metric has, since 2007, been used to prioritise threatened species for practical conservation that embody large amounts of evolutionary history. While there have been important research advances since 2007, they have not been adopted in practice because of a lack of consensus in the conservation community. Here, building from an interdisciplinary workshop to update the existing EDGE approach, we present an “EDGE2” protocol that draws on a decade of research and innovation to develop an improved, consistent methodology for prioritising species conservation efforts. Key advances include methods for dealing with uncertainty and accounting for the extinction risk of closely related species. We describe EDGE2 in terms of distinct components to facilitate future revisions to its constituent parts without needing to reconsider the whole. We illustrate EDGE2 by applying it to the world’s mammals. As we approach a crossroads for global biodiversity policy, this Consensus View shows how collaboration between academic and applied conservation biologists can guide effective and practical priority-setting to conserve biodiversity.

  • Journal article
    Germain RR, Feng S, Buffan L, Carmona CP, Chen G, Graves GR, Tobias JA, Rahbek C, Lei F, Fjeldså J, Hosner PA, Gilbert MTP, Zhang G, Nogués-Bravo Det al., 2023,

    Changes in the functional diversity of modern bird species over the last million years.

    , Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, Vol: 120, Pages: e2201945119-e2201945119

    Despite evidence of declining biosphere integrity, we currently lack understanding of how the functional diversity associated with changes in abundance among ecological communities has varied over time and before widespread human disturbances. We combine morphological, ecological, and life-history trait data for >260 extant bird species with genomic-based estimates of changing effective population size (Ne) to quantify demographic-based shifts in avian functional diversity over the past million years and under pre-anthropogenic climate warming. We show that functional diversity was relatively stable over this period, but underwent significant changes in some key areas of trait space due to changing species abundances. Our results suggest that patterns of population decline over the Pleistocene have been concentrated in particular regions of trait space associated with extreme reproductive strategies and low dispersal ability, consistent with an overall erosion of functional diversity. Further, species most sensitive to climate warming occupied a relatively narrow region of functional space, indicating that the largest potential population increases and decreases under climate change will occur among species with relatively similar trait sets. Overall, our results identify fluctuations in functional space of extant species over evolutionary timescales and represent the demographic-based vulnerability of different regions of functional space among these taxa. The integration of paleodemographic dynamics with functional trait data enhances our ability to quantify losses of biosphere integrity before anthropogenic disturbances and attribute contemporary biodiversity loss to different drivers over time.

  • Journal article
    Pawar S, 2023,

    Another step towards a unifying theory for ecosystems?

    , JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES, Vol: 48, ISSN: 0250-5991
  • Journal article
    Mullin VE, Stephen W, Arce AN, Nash W, Raine C, Notton DG, Whiffin A, Blagderov V, Gharbi K, Hogan J, Hunter T, Irish N, Jackson S, Judd S, Watkins C, Haerty W, Ollerton J, Brace S, Gill RJ, Barnes Iet al., 2023,

    First large-scale quantification study of DNA preservation in insects from natural history collections using genome-wide sequencing

    , Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Vol: 14, Pages: 360-371, ISSN: 2041-210X

    1. Insect declines are a global issue with significant ecological and economic ramifications. Yet we have a poor understanding of the genomic impact these losses can have. Genome-wide data from historical specimens has the potential to provide baselines of population genetic measures to study population change, with natural history collections representing large repositories of such specimens. However, an initial challenge in conducting historical DNA data analyses, is to understand how molecular preservation varies between specimens.2. Here, we highlight how Next Generation Sequencing methods developed for studying archaeological samples can be applied to determine DNA preservation from only a single leg taken from entomological museum specimens, some of which are more than a century old. An analysis of genome-wide data from a set of 113 red-tailed bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius) specimens, from five British museum collections, was used to quantify DNA preservation over time. Additionally, to improve our analysis and further enable future research we generated a novel assembly of the red-tailed bumblebee genome. 3. Our approach shows that museum entomological specimens are comprised of short DNA fragments with mean lengths below 100 base pairs (BP), suggesting a rapid and large-scale post-mortem reduction in DNA fragment size. After this initial decline, however, we find a relatively consistent rate of DNA decay in our dataset, and estimate a mean reduction in fragment length of 1.9bp per decade. The proportion of quality filtered reads mapping to our assembled reference genome was around 50%, and decreased by 1.1 % per decade. 4. We demonstrate that historical insects have significant potential to act as sources of DNA to create valuable genetic baselines. The relatively consistent rate of DNA degradation, both across collections and through time, mean that population level analyses - for example for conservation or evolutionary studies - are entirely feasible, a

  • Journal article
    Arce A, Cantwell-Jones A, Tansley M, Barnes I, Brace S, Mullin VE, Notton D, Ollerton J, Eatough E, Rhodes MW, Bian X, Hogan J, Hunter T, Jackson S, Whiffin A, Blagoderov V, Broad G, Judd S, Kokkini P, Livermore L, Dixit MK, Pearse WD, Gill Ret al., 2023,

    Signatures of increasing environmental stress in bumblebee wings over the past century: Insights from museum specimens

    , Journal of Animal Ecology, Vol: 92, Pages: 297-309, ISSN: 0021-8790

    1. Determining when animal populations have experienced stress in the past is fundamental to understanding how risk factors drive contemporary and future species’ responses to environmental change. For insects, quantifying stress and associating it with environmental factors has been challenging due to a paucity of time-series data and because detectable population-level responses can show varying lag effects. One solution is to leverage historic entomological specimens to detect morphological proxies of stress experienced at the time stressors emerged, allowing us to more accurately determine population responses.2. Here we studied specimens of four bumblebee species, an invaluable group of insect pollinators, from five museums collected across Britain over the 20th century. We calculated the degree of fluctuating asymmetry (FA; random deviations from bilateral symmetry) between the right and left forewings as a potential proxy of developmental stress.3. We: i) investigated whether baseline FA levels vary between species, and how this compares between the first and second half of the century; ii) determined the extent of FA change over the century in the four bumblebee species, and whether this followed a linear or non-linear trend; iii) tested which annual climatic conditions correlated with increased FA in bumblebees.4. Species differed in their baseline FA, with FA being higher in the two species that have recently expanded their ranges in Britain. Overall, FA significantly increased over the century but followed a non-linear trend, with the increase starting c. 1925. We found relatively warm and wet years were associated with higher FA. 5. Collectively our findings show that FA in bumblebees increased over the 20th century and under weather conditions that will likely increase in frequency with climate change. By plotting FA trends and quantifying the contribution of annual climate conditions on past populations, we provide an important step towards impro

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