Abstract deadline extended: Friday 20th November 2015

We will be accepting abstracts for both talks and posters.

  • Call for Abstracts - Friday 18th September 2015
  • Deadline for Abstracts - Friday 13th November
  • Abstract Selection - Friday 20th November

Please submit your abstract as a word document via email attachment to s.mombrikotb12@imperial.ac.uk by Friday 20th November.

Your abstract must be no more than 200 words and include the names and affiliations of all authors with the speaker as the first author and an email contact for the author.

Speakers will be informed of their selection on Friday 20th November 2015.


  • Talks are 10 minutes
  • Posters are A1 portrait

 Posters will be on display from Thursday morning until Friday 5pm. Posters reviews will be held at Lunchtime on Friday 18th December.

Prizes for the best poster and talk are presented on the Friday.

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