Imperial News

Imperial College/NETT Winter School in Neural Engineering

by Kate Hobson

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A two day Winter School on Neural Engineering, January 8th and 9th 2015.

This two day Winter School is the 5th training event organised by the Marie Curie Initial Training Network NETT and is run jointly with the Centre for Doctoral Training in Neurotechnology for Life and Health at Imperial College London. It will bring together international experts and young researchers to discuss topics essential to the emergent field of Neural Engineering, including noise in the nervous system, sensorimotor control, optical neurotechnology and single neuron computation. Talks will be in tutorial style, in order to bring researchers new to the field up to speed on the topics.

The event is open to CDT and NETT participants and collaborators (though there may be a limit on registrations for non-CDT/NETT participants).

Visit the event web page for further details and a provisional schedule of talks and to register for the event.


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council