Imperial News

ESE March Newsletter

by Jemimah-Sandra Samuel

Recent publications, events and happenings in the Department of Earth Science and Engineering.


Field Trips
New Staff
Job Opportunity


Bullen, J. C., Torres-Huerta, A., Salaün, P., Watson, J. S., Majumdar, S., Vilar, R., & Weiss, D. J. (2020). Portable and rapid arsenic speciation in synthetic and natural waters by an As(V)-selective chemisorbent, validated against anodic stripping voltammetry. Water Research, 175, 115650.

Le Blévec, T., Dubrule, O., John, C. M., & Hampson, G. J. (2020). Geostatistical Earth modeling of cyclic depositional facies and diagenesis. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 104, 711-734.

Scoular, J., Ghail, R. C., Mason, P. J., Lawrence, J., Bellhouse, M., Holley, R. and Morgan, T., (2020). Retrospective InSAR Analysis of East London during the Construction of the Lee Tunnel, Remote Sensing, 12(5), p849.

Thomas, R., Paluszny, A., Zimmerman, R. W. (2020). Growth of three-dimensional fractures, arrays, and networks in brittle rocks under tension and compression. Computers and Geotechnics, 121, paper 103447.


On 27 February, Adriana Paluszny gave an invited departmental seminar titled “Advanced modelling of the permeability of geomechanically grown fracture networks” at the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies, Kazan Federal University, Tatarstan, Russia.


GradSoc 'Bake your PhD' Event
ESE Gradsoc hosted the ‘Bake your PhD’ social event for PhD students and postdocs on the 24 February 2020. Phillipa Mason, Victoria Murphy and Peter Allison were on the judging panel and PhD students Jenny Shadrick, Sinead Lyster, and Evie Baker won the prizes for the bake-off, Jenny also won the people’s choice award.


Dr Stephen Hicks recorded a short interview with ESE Liaison and Communications Manager, Victoria Murphy, on Earthquakes and understanding the structure of the Earth. Listen to the recording here.

Field Trips

Meuriot Ophelie has written a blog on her research cruise experience aboard the Royal Research Ship Discovery. She went from Southampton to Punta Arenas, Chile to take samples across the Atlantic. Read about the research cruise here.

Harriet Dawson was one of 17 Early Career Scientists from the UK selected to participate in the ARCTIS2020 field course in Russia. The course took place at the “Siberian Gateway to the Russian Arctic” – Khanty-Mansiysk (Yugra) Autonomous Region, Russia on February 16 -22, 2020. Arctic Interdisciplinary Studies, ARCTIS, is an interdisciplinary field course organised by the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists in Russia (APECS Russia) and the UK Polar Network (UKPN). The course facilitates bilateral and interdisciplinary (Atmospheric, Cryospheric, Terrestrial, Marine and Social & Humanitarian) cooperation of early career scientists from the United Kingdom and Russia.
Harriet at ARCTIS2020 in Russia

New Staff

Dr Rebekah Moore – Started on the 20 January 2020 as a Research Associate with Professor Mark Rehkamper.

Thomas Robins – Started on the 20 January 2020 as a Software Developer with Dr Lluis Guasch.

Dr Xiaofeu Wu – Started on the 3 February 2020 as a Research Associate with Professor Chris Pain.

Ruth Davey – started on the 1 February 2020 as an Outreach Coordinator.

Luis Salinas Farran – started on the 1 February 2020 as a Research Assistant with Dr Pablo Brito Parada.

Dimitrios Charemis and Robert Bird joined the Department on 10 February as Research Assistants to work with Dr Adriana Paluszny and Professor Robert Zimmerman on the ROMCOM (Rock Mechanics Computation for Mining) project. Dimitrios joined the team after completing his MSc in Biomedical Engineering at Imperial; Robert recently received a PhD in computational mechanics from Durham University.

Welcome to ESE!

Job Opportunity

The Sustainable Gas Institute (SGI) and Hydrogen and Fuel Cell (H2FC) Supergen hub have a maternity cover job opening for the position of a communication officer. Depending on the situation, the position is likely to result in a longer term role. Find more about the position here. The closing date for the advert is midnight 2 April 2020.