Imperial College London


Faculty of EngineeringDyson School of Design Engineering

Senior Lecturer in Computational Aided Engineering



+44 (0)20 7594 1893m.cardin Website CV




Royal College of Science Observatory Building, Room 1M03Dyson BuildingSouth Kensington Campus





Publication Type

94 results found

Cardin M-A, de Neufville R, Dahlgren J, 2007, Extracting Value from Uncertainty: Proposed Methodology for Engineering Systems Design, Hoboken, NJ, United States, 5th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research

Conference paper

Broniatowski DA, Cardin M-A, Dong S, Hale MJ, Jordan NC, Laufer DR, Mathieu C, Owens BD, Richards MG, Weigel Aet al., 2006, Evaluating win-win aspects of technological cooperation in space exploration, AIAA 57th International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2006, Pages: 9472-9479

As the world space community renews its exploration efforts and places increased emphasis on missions to the moon and Mars, new models of cooperation between nations are needed. These new models should take into account the complexity and design of the technical systems that will be necessary for exploration, in addition to the policy concerns of participating nations. This paper explores international cooperation in space exploration programs, with an emphasis on technological cooperation. An original framework is set forth for identifying and evaluating win-win aspects of technological cooperation in space exploration between nations. This framework is then exercised using the case of space exploration programs. Specific recommendations are made for how nations should think about cooperation in space exploration for the mutual benefit of technological and policy concerns. Through such cooperation, benefits beyond improvements to technical system performance, cost, and schedule may be realized, to broadly include domestic and foreign policy gains of individual nations.

Conference paper

Caputo C, Cardin M-A, An Approach to Analyze Flexibility in Engineering Systems Design based on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Rules

Conference paper

Caputo C, Cardin M-A, An Approach to Analyze Flexibility in Engineering Systems Design based on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Rules

Conference paper

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