Imperial College London


Faculty of Natural SciencesDepartment of Chemistry

Professor of Organic Materials



+44 (0)20 7594 1248m.heeney Website




401GMolecular Sciences Research HubWhite City Campus





Martin Heeney is a Professor of Organic Materials  in the department of chemistry at Imperial College. His research concentrates upon the design, synthesis and characterisation of organic semiconductor materials for a range of optoelectronic applications, including field effect transistors, photovoltaic devices, light emitting diodes and sensors. His research is highly multi-disciplinary and collaborative covering aspects of organic, polymer and materials chemistry with a central theme of establishing relationships between molecular design, synthetic methodology, processing and performance.

More details can be found at the group website.

Applications from potential PhD candidates are welcome.



Nodari D, Sharma S, Jia W, et al., 2024, Conjugated Polymer Heteroatom Engineering Enables High Detectivity Symmetric Ambipolar Phototransistors., Adv Mater

Zhu W, Qiu X, Laulainen JEM, et al., 2024, Enhancing the Conductivity and Thermoelectric Performance of Semicrystalline Conducting Polymers Through Controlled Tie Chain Incorporation., Adv Mater

Ding B, Le V, Yu H, et al., 2024, Development of synthetically accessible glycolated polythiophenes for high-performance organic electrochemical transistors, Advanced Electronic Materials, Vol:10, ISSN:2199-160X

Qiao Z, He Q, Scaccabarozzi AD, et al., 2024, A novel selenophene based non-fullerene acceptor for near-infrared organic photodetectors with ultra-low dark current, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol:12, ISSN:2050-7526, Pages:5766-5775

Ma J, He Q, Xue Z, et al., 2024, Regulation of microstructure and charge transport properties of cyclopentadiene-based conjugated polymers via side-chain engineering, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol:12, ISSN:2050-7526, Pages:3549-3556

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