Imperial College London


Faculty of Natural SciencesDepartment of Life Sciences (Silwood Park)

Professor of Ecology



+44 (0)20 7594 2223r.ewers




1.4Centre for Population BiologySilwood Park





I am a data scientist that specialises in biodiversity and whole-system ecology. My vision is to integrate diverse data sources, modelling approaches and interdisciplinary collaborations to develop a holistic understanding of ecological systems. I apply my research to address pressing environmental challenges and to promote sustainable land use practices.

I am an experienced biodiversity and ecological consultant with a strong background in environmental science and conservation technology. I provide expert guidance to industry on biodiversity, carbon and sustainability strategies, including the planning of ecological assessments, habitat surveys and environmental impact assessments.

Ewer's GroupWorking with me

I am committed to promoting an inclusive community where all group members are respected and provided with equal opportunities. I believe that diversity enriches the academic environment, I strive to work ethically, and I aspire to create a relaxed environment that supports individuals from all backgrounds.

I provide personalised guidance, constructive feedback and opportunities for professional development to help you achieve your life goals. I encourage my team to use their time in my research group as a springboard to a successful career, and five out of every six of my group members transition into an equivalent or higher academic position.

I openly advertise all positions I have funding to support. You are welcome to apply to me directly if you are planning to submit an application to fund your position, and I particularly welcome approaches from a postdoctoral fellowship candidates. In your cover letter, you should outline what it is you want to research, how it fits in with the research my team is currently engaged in, and the experiences and skills you will contribute to our research environment.



Lewis-Brown E, Jennings N, Mills M, et al., 2024, Comparison of carbon management and emissions of universities that did and did not adopt voluntary carbon offsets, Climate Policy, Vol:24, ISSN:1469-3062, Pages:706-722

Rizos G, Lawson J, Mitchell S, et al., 2024, Propagating variational model uncertainty for bioacoustic call label smoothing, Patterns, Vol:5, ISSN:2666-3899

Delabre I, Lyons-White J, Melot C, et al., 2023, Should I stay or should I go? Understanding stakeholder dis/engagement for deforestation-free palm oil, Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol:32, ISSN:0964-4733, Pages:5128-5145

Sethi SS, Bick A, Ewers RM, et al., 2023, Limits to the accurate and generalizable use of soundscapes to monitor biodiversity, Nature Ecology and Evolution, Vol:7, ISSN:2397-334X, Pages:1373-1378

de Lorm TA, Horswill C, Rabaiotti D, et al., 2023, Optimizing the automated recognition of individual animals to support population monitoring, Ecology and Evolution, Vol:13, ISSN:2045-7758

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