Imperial College London

Walter Distaso

Business School

Professor of Financial Econometrics



+44 (0)20 7594 3293w.distaso Website




3.0253 Prince's GateSouth Kensington Campus





Walter has joined Imperial College Business School in September 2006. He holds a PhD from the University of York. Previously, he held positions at the University of Exeter and Queen Mary, University of London. He has also been a visiting professor at the IMF.

His research interests are in the area of estimation, specification testing and prediction of financial Volatility in continuous time models; analyzing macroeconomic and financial time series using long memory models; identifying the macroeconomic determinants of stock-market volatility; studying the dependence of multivariate financial time series using copulas; evaluating competing trading strategies; analyzing the features and the effects of market microstructure noise.



Abadir KM, Distaso W, Giraitis L, 2024, Partially one-sided semiparametric inference for trending persistent and antipersistent processes, Econometrics and Statistics, Vol:30, ISSN:2452-3062, Pages:1-14

Alonso AM, Cork SC, Phuah P, et al., 2024, The vagus nerve mediates the physiological but not pharmacological effects of PYY3-36 on food intake, Molecular Metabolism, Vol:81, ISSN:2212-8778

Distaso W, Ibragimov R, Semenov A, et al., 2022, COVID-19: tail risk and predictive regressions, Plos One, Vol:17, ISSN:1932-6203, Pages:1-13


Distaso W, Malik MMAH, Semere S, et al., 2022, Diabetes self-management during the COVID-19 pandemic and its associations with COVID-19 anxiety syndrome, depression and health anxiety, WILEY, ISSN:0742-3071

Suba K, Hansen B, Patel Y, et al., 2022, Beta cell functional heterogeneity underpinning coordinated oscillatory activity is not fixed, SPRINGER, Pages:S121-S121, ISSN:0012-186X

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