Imperial College London


Faculty of EngineeringDepartment of Earth Science & Engineering

Honorary Research Associate



+44 (0)20 7594 5185w.montgomery CV




440/33Royal School of MinesSouth Kensington Campus





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38 results found

Montgomery W, 2020, New Paths for Survivability of Organic Material in the Martian Subsurface, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-PLANETS, Vol: 125, ISSN: 2169-9097

Journal article

Montgomery W, Jaramillo EA, Royle S, Kounaves S, Schulze-Makuch D, Sephton MAet al., 2019, Effects of oxygen-containing salts on the detection of organic biomarkers on Mars and in terrestrial analogue soils, Astrobiology, Vol: 19, Pages: 711-721, ISSN: 1531-1074

The detection of chlorinated hydrocarbons by Curiosity on Mars has been attributed to the presence of unidentified indigenous organic matter. Similarly, oxychlorines on Earth have been proposed to be responsible for the apparent lack of organics in the Atacama Desert. The presence of perchlorate (ClO4- ) poses a unique challenge to the measurement of organic matter due to the oxidizing power of oxychlorines during commonly used pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (py-GC-MS) methods. Here, we show that perchlorates and other oxyanion salts inhibit the detection of organic compounds, but that removing these problematic species prior to pyrolysis by using an optimal sample extraction duration and suitable ratios of water to sample mass enables analysis. We have characterized leached and unleached samples containing perchlorates from the Atacama Desert and have found that after leaching, the py-GC-MS chromatograms of the dried mineral residues show identifiable biomarkers associated with indigenous cyanobacteria. Samples which were pyrolyzed without leaching showed no detectable organic matter other than background siloxane and very weak or no trace of detectable polychlorinated benzenes Dried sample residues remaining after leaching, the mineral matrix and water-insoluble organic matter, showed a strong organic response in all cases when analyzed by py-GC-MS. These residues are most likely the product of the pyrolysis of water insoluble organics originally present in the samples. In addition, our results imply that previous soil analyses which contained high levels of oxyanions and concluded that organics were either not present, or at extremely low levels, should be re-examined.

Journal article

Verchovsky A, Hunt S, Montgomery W, Sephton MAet al., 2019, Reaction of Q to thermal metamorphism in parent bodies: Experimental simulation, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, Vol: 54, Pages: 558-572, ISSN: 1086-9379

Planetary noble gases in chondrites are concentrated in an unidentified carrier phase, called “Q.” Phase Q oxidized at relatively low temperature in pure oxygen is a very minor part of insoluble organic matter (IOM), but has not been separated in a pure form. High‐pressure (HP) experiments have been used to test the effects of thermal metamorphism on IOM from the Orgueil (CI1) meteorite, at conditions up to 10 GPa and 700 °C. The effect of the treatment on carbon structural order was characterized by Raman spectroscopy of the carbon D and G bands. The Raman results show that the IOM becomes progressively more graphite‐like with increasing intensity and duration of the HP treatment. The carbon structural transformations are accompanied by an increase in the release temperatures for IOM carbon and 36Ar during stepped combustion (the former to a greater extent than the latter for the most HP treated sample) when compared with the original untreated Orgueil (CI1) sample. The 36Ar/C ratio also appears to vary in response to HP treatment. Since 36Ar is a part of Q, its release temperature corresponds to that for Q oxidation. Thus, the structural transformations of Q and IOM upon HP treatment are not equal. These results correspond to observations of thermal metamorphism in the meteorite parent bodies, in particular those of type 4 enstatite chondrites, e.g., Indarch (EH4), where graphitized IOM oxidized at significantly higher temperatures than Q (Verchovsky et al. 2002). Our findings imply that Q is less graphitized than most of the macromolecular carbonaceous material present during parent body metamorphism and is thus a carbonaceous phase distinct from other meteoritic IOM.

Journal article

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