The HPC summer school brings together the HPC support team, scientific community and private sector representatives for one week of tutorials, lectures and exchange of ideas.

On the program are businesses such as CUDA, Alinea DDT, Intel tools, Intel compiler vectorization, OpenMP, D-Wave, emerging technologies, presentations from local HPC users, interest groups and much more. The week concludes with an afternoon of scientific lectures, a poster session and visit from the provost, followed by food and drinks sponsored by vendors.

View the programme


The HPC Service and the Computational Methods Hub


28 September - 2 October, 2015


Imperial College London
South Kensington campus
Huxley (building no. 13 on the map)


Let us know that you are coming and if you'd like to present a poster. You can register for individual events separately.

Register online

Name Imperial's supercomputer

The Imperial community is invited to take part in a competition to name one of the College's supercomputers.

Enter the CX2 naming competition

The Provost James Stirling CBE FRS will announce results of the naming competition on Friday, October 2nd.

Imperial College HPC prize

The Imperial College High Performance Computing prize will be awarded to early career researchers (PhD student, PDRA or equivalent level) for work that is either:

  • best advance in the field of high performance computing, or,

  • most effectively exploits high performance computing to achieve an advancement in another field of science or engineering.

Candidates are invited to submit a peer reviewed article published within the last two years (i.e. published after 1 September 2013), along with a short description of the significance of the work (maximum of 200 words). In the case of a multi-authored paper, the leading authors should be early career researchers.  Submissions should be sent by email to with the subject heading Imperial College HPC prize entry before 16:00 on the 25th of September 2015.

The winning entry will receive a cash prize of £1,000 and will be awarded by the Provost, Professor James Stirling CBE FRS on the 2nd of October 2015.

Poster session

We invite everyone to participate in the poster session on Friday October 2nd at 16:30.  Posters can be registered during the event registration.

List of poster submissions

Video submissions

We will have a video display and invite submissions of animations and simulation videos.  You can write to us to have your videos screened during the event.


Contact Katerina Michalickova ( for organizational issues or Simon Burbidge (

Time, locationTitleSpeaker
Monday, September 28, Huxley LT 340 and 341
10:00-12:00, LT 340 Introduction to HPC Service at Imperial Katerina Michalickova, HPC Service
12:00-13:00 break  
13:00-15:00, 341 Allinea Forge  Florent Lebeau, Allinea
Tuesday, September 29,  Huxley LT 145 and LT 144
9:30-10:30, 145 Overview of Intel tools and architecture Stephen Blair-Chappell, Intel
10:30-11:15, 145 Introduction to C and Fortran compilers  Stephen Blair-Chappell, Intel
11:15-11:30, foyer level 3 sponsored coffee break  
11:30-12:30, 145 Introduction to vectorization and SIMD programming Stephen Blair-Chappell, Intel
12:30-13:00, 145 Xeon and Xeon-Phi architecture overview Stephen Blair-Chappell, Intel
13:00-14:00, foyer level 3 sponsored lunch  
14:00-17:00, LT 144

Research Data Management community session 

Managing crystal structure data at the CCDC - a 50 year perspective


chair Torsten Reimer, Research Office

Suzanna Ward, Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre

14:00-15:30, 145 Hands on compilers and vectorization  Stephen Blair-Chappell, Intel 
15:30-15:45, foyer level 3 sponsored coffee break Stephen Blair-Chappell, Intel
15:45-16:00, 145 Introdution to Vtune Amplifier Stephen Blair-Chappell, Intel
16:00-17:00, 145 Hands on Vtune and recap Stephen Blair-Chappell, Intel
Wednesday, September 30, Huxley LT 145 and LT 340
9:30-10:00, 145 Brief overview of previous day and introdution Stephen Blair-Chappell, Intel
10:00-11:00, 145 Introduction to task parallel libraries and OpenMP Stephen Blair-Chappell, Intel
11:00-11:15, 342 sponsored coffee break  
11:15-12:00, 145 OpenMP Stephen Blair-Chappell, Intel
12:00-13:00, 145 Hands on OpenMP Stephen Blair-Chappell, Intel
13:00-14:00, 342 sponsored lunch  
14:00-17:00, LT 340 D-Wave quantum computing Bo Ewald, Murray Thom, Denny Dahl and Andy Mason, D-Wave
14:00-15:30, 145 Hands on OpenMP Stephen Blair-Chappell, Intel
15:30-15:45, 342 sponsored coffee break  
15:45-17:00, 145 Bring, profile and tune your own code Stephen Blair-Chappell, Intel
Thursday, October 1, Huxley LT 308 and 341
10:00-12:00, LT 308 CUDA workshop Matt Harvey, HPC service
12:00-13:00 break  
13:00-15:00, LT 308 Research Software Engineering community session chair Jeremy Cohen, Department of Computing
15:00-17:00, 341 Genomics community session chair Michael Mueller, Department of Medicine
15:00-17:00 , LT 308 Computational Molecular Sciences community session chair Michael Bearpark, Department of Chemistry
Friday, October 2, Huxley LT 340
10:30-11:30, LT 340 The perils of computer arithmetic Dan Moore, Department of Mathematics
11:30-12:30, LT 340 HPC trends and what they mean for me Jim Cownie, Intel
12:30-14:00, 341 sponsored tea break and poster setup  
14:00-14:10, LT 340 Welcome Professor Peter Haynes, Head of Department of Materials and the HPC champion
14:10-14:20, LT 340 Message from the Provost Professor James Stirling CBE FRS
14:20-14:50, LT 340 Scalable numerics for numerical weather prediction Colin Cotter, Dept. of Mathematics
14:50-15:20, LT 340 UK MED-BIO: A new platform for the analysis of omic data Professor Paul Elliot, Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health
15:20-15:50, LT 340 High order, scale resolving modelling for high Reynolds number racing car aerodynamics Professor Spencer Sherwin, Dept. of Aeronautics
15:50-16:00, LT 340 HPC update Simon Burbidge
16:30-19:30, 341 poster session and mixer with sponsored food and drinks  
Summer school programme

Contact us

Email us at:, or contact directly Directors as shown in People.

You could also write to us at:

Computational Methods in Science and Engineering
Imperial College London
Exhibition Road
South Kensington
United Kingdom

For information in how to find us, go to South Kensington Campus.