HighQNanoBio, Highly sensitive label-free detection using Nanopore and high-Q microcavities

Kristelle Bougot Nanopores are highly advantageous for positioning control. They allow the control of biomolecules position by electrophoretic force, without the need of surface immobilisation. Thanks to its intrinsic multiplexing potential, optical detection is widely used in biosensing, and we propose to combine label-free optical detection with nanopores positioning. In resonant based sensing, microring resonators offer high sensitivity and multiplex sensing. Translocation events through the nanopores close from the ring induce a change of refractive index which may be measured through resonant response. Nanopores can either be in a membrane close from the ring, or brought to the ring using a nanopipette. Our technique allows performing biological sensing without the need of biomolecules immobilisation on a chip substrate. Biological tests with DNA and proteins will be carried out.

Research Interests:

Optical resonator, Sensing, Modelling, Microfabrication, Microfluidics, Materials


  • Marie-Curie Research Associate Imperial College London, Department of Chemistry (Chemical Physics Section).  Supervisor: Dr. J. B. Edel.
  • Research associate, Institut d’Optique Graduate School, Paris XI University. Supervisor: Prof. H. Benisty
  • Research associate, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Supervisors: Prof. Weijia Wen and Prof. R. H. Austin
  • PhD in Biotechnology, Thales Research and Technology and Paris University: Supervisors: Dr J.L. Reverchon and Prof. H. Bensity
  • Engineer degree at ESPCI (City of Paris Industrial Physics and Chemistry Higher Educational Institution) with major in Physics
  • Bio-engineering specialized masters degree

 Selected publications:

  • K. Bougot-Robin, R. Kodzius, W. Yue, L.Q. Chen, S. Li, X.X. Zhang, H. Benisty  and W.J. Wen “Real time hybridization studies by RWGs bioarray imaging using nanopattern scanning for Single Nucleotide Polymorphism detection”, Biomed. Microdevices 2014, 16(2)
  • K. Bougot-Robin, W. Wen, H. Benisty,” Resonant waveguide sensing made robust by on-chip peak tracking through image correlation”, Biomedical Optics Express 2012, 3(10)
  • Q. Zhang, K. Bougot-Robin, D. Liao, G. Lambert, R. H. Austin,  Mol. Pharmaceutics 2011, 8(6)
  • Q. Zhang, G. Lambert, D. Liao, H. Kim, K. Bougot-Robin, C. K. Tung, N. Pourmand, R. H. Austin, “Acceleration of Emergence of Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance in a connected microenvironments”, Science 2011, 333(6050)
  • K. Bougot-Robin, J-L. Reverchon, M. Fromant, L. Mugherli, P. Plateau, and H. Benisty, “2D label-free imaging of resonant grating biochips in ultraviolet”, Opt. Express 18 (2010)
  • J. Allibe, K. Bougot-Robin, E. Jacquet, I. C. Infante, S. Fusil, C. Carrétéro, J.-L. Reverchon, B. Marcilhac, D. Creté, J.-C. Mage, A. Barthélémy, and M. Bibes, “Optical properties of integrated multiferroic BiFeO3 thin film for microwave application”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 (2010)
  • K. Robin, J-L. Reverchon, L. Mugherli, M. Fromant, P. Plateau, and H. Bensity, “Detection of biological macromolecules on a biochip dedicated to UV specific absorption”, Biosens. Bioelec. 24 (2009)

 Selected conference proceedings:

  • K. Bougot-Robin, S Li, Y. Zhang, R. Kodzius, I.M. Hsing, H. Benisty, R. H. Austin, W. Wen, “”Peak-tracking chip” (PTC) for bulk refractive index sensing and bioarray sensing” microTAS (2012), Okinawa, Japan
  • K. Bougot-Robin “Experimental ignition of Evolution on Fitness Landscape”, APS March Meeting (2011), Dallas, USA
  • K. Robin, J.-L. Reverchon, L. Mugherli, M. Fromant and H. Benisty “Biodetection of DNA and proteins using enhanced UV absorption by structuration of the chip surface” (Invited Paper), SPIE Photonics West (2009), San Jose, CA, USA
  • K. Robin, J. L. Reverchon, A. Brignon, L. Mugherli, M. Fromant, P. Plateau, and H. Benisty “Contrast enhancement of UV absorption and improved biochip imaging”, CLEO USA (2009)



Professor Joshua B. Edel
Department of Chemistry
South Kensington Campus
SW7 2AZ London

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 0754
Email: joshua.edel@imperial.ac.uk

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