Intelligent Transmission and Processing Laboratory (ITP Lab)


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About ITP Lab

Intelligent Transmission and Processing Laboratory (ITP Lab) was established in 2020 when Professor Geoffrey Li (Curriculum Vitae) joined Imperial College London. The lab currently focuses on fundamental and application issues on artificial intelligence for signal processing and communications.

The lab currently has openings in postdocs and PhD students.

You can find recent activities inside the ITP Lab from the lab news.

Advisory Board

Chair:    Prof. Anthony G. Constantinides, Imperial College London, UK

Members (in the order of the last names):

  • Prof. Lajos Hanzo
    University of Southampton, UK
  • Prof. Biing-Hwang Fred Juang
    Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
  • Prof. Victor B. Lawrence
    Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
  • Prof. Khaled Letaief
    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
  • Prof. Vincent H. Poor
    Princeton University, USA
  • Dr. Sumei Sun
    Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore
  • Dr. Wen Tong
    Huawei Technologies, Canada
  • Dr. Reinaldo Valenzuela
    Nokia Bell Labs, USA

Meet our Team Members

Our team is led by Professor Geoffrey Li (Curriculum Vitae) and consists of a number of research staff, postegradutes, and vsiting scholars.



ITP Lab is interested in fundamental and application issues on artificial intelligence for signal processing and communications in general.


ITP Lab members publish extensively in various IEEE journals, some math related journals.

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