Meet the team

  • Adam Hawkes

    Adam Hawkes Imperial College London

    Personal details

    Adam Hawkes Reader in Energy Systems, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering Director, Sustainable Gas Institute

    +44 (0)20 7594 9300


    - Quantitative assessment of sustainable energy transitions via energy systems modelling (optimisation, simulation, forecasting)
    - The role of natural gas, hydrogen, and low carbon gases in present and future energy systems.
    - Methane emissions in energy supply chains, from detection and measurement through to mitigation strategies.
    - Engineering-economic analysis of heat sector decarbonisation; modelling, technologies, infrastructures, interfaces, pathways
    - Investment in and operation of micro-grids and smart grids under uncertainty (stochastic programming and game theory)
    - Decentralised energy resources, demand side management, and smart energy networks
    - Microgeneration

  • Sara Giarola

    Sara Giarola Imperial College

    Personal details

    Sara Giarola Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering Research Fellow, Sustainable Gas Institute


    Sara's research interests are in the field of mathematical programming, whole systems modelling (for energy and chemicals production), simulation and optimisation. Sara is currently the lead modeler for the new energy systems model, MUSE.

Contact us

Group leads

Dr Adam Hawkes
Dr Sara Giarola

General Enquiries

Media & Communications Enquiries

Email Greg Brina


Sustainable Gas Institute
14 Prince's Gardens
Imperial College London
South Kensington