
09.00 09.30 Registration, Level 1. Coffee, Level 2 Concourse

09.30 10.00 Welcome / Introduction to the Centre / Overview of the Day
Professor Jennifer Whyte, Director, Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation

10.00 10.30 Keynote: “Redefining System Engineering for the 21st Century”
Professor Hillary Sillitto, Sillitto Enterprises

10.30 11.15 Session 1. Production Systems
“Design, manufacturing and logisitics of modularised building systems” Dr Panagiotis Angeloudis, Theme lead
“Improved construction progress monitoring through augmented reality” Ranjith Soman and Dr David Birch
“Headed bar joints between pre cast concrete panels” Jean Paul Vella
New Connections: “Robotics and construction” Dr Ketao Zhang

11.15 11.45 Coffee and Networking, Student Research Posters/Demonstrations, Level 2 Concourse

11.45 12.30 Session 2. Infrastructure Interdependencies
“Projects as interventions in infrastructure systems” Dr Darren Grafius
“Community Water Management for the Common Good” Simon De Stercke
“Technologies for design space exploration at the urban scale” Dr David Birch
New Connections: “Data-driven design” Professor Mark Girolami

12.30 13.00 Session 3. Organizing across Projects and Operations
“Inter-organizational collaboration with modular components”
Dr Richard Tee (LUISS Guido Carli University, International collaborator of CSEI)
“Risk and safety in operating infrastructure systems” Dr Arnab Majumdar, Theme lead

13.00 13.45 Lunch. Level 2 Concourse

13.45 14.30 Interactive Discussion Session: The Future of Systems Engineering in Infrastructure

Panel Discussion and breakout groups related to themes of the morning; posters and future research agenda

14.30 15.00 Close out

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Centre Director
Dr Ana Mijic


For adminstration please contact:
T:  +44 (0)20 7594 5031