Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation

2020 Call for Feasibility Studies – Celebrating 10 years of the Centre

The Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation (CSEI) will seed-fund feasibility studies (£5-10k) to encourage research that uses a systems approach to cities and infrastructure and/or to the transformation of construction. We expect such research to be transdisciplinary, quantitative, entrepreneurial and/or engaged. Proposal submissions are limited to Imperial College staff and students. At a time when we are experiencing systems shock, new small projects are encouraged on (but not limited to) the following themes and topics:

  • Anti-fragility in civil infrastructures that support society
  • Stable and robust infrastructures for a resilient society
  • Circular economy and sustainable manufacturing for construction
  • Innovation ecosystems for digital and/or low carbon solutions
  • Innovation and transition pathways (e.g. new forms of transport or future cities)

Successful applicants will present their ongoing work at the CSEI 10 year celebration on Tuesday 7 July 2020, and in material developed for this celebration. Each seed-funded project will have a mentor from the Centre and we anticipate the projects will start in June 2020 and end by September 2020, and that the work will be leveraged through the preparation of proposals for follow-on funding.  We will favour applications that support Imperial College London’s Academic framework, and that engaged with industry and policy through the CSEI workshop. 

Following the workshop, the application will be submitted through a 1-page form (see below – ‘how to apply?’), with a deadline of Monday 4 May 2020, decisions will be made by Monday 11 May 2020.

Former small call winner Dr John Craske discussed his project.

The CSEI Workshop – shaping research agendas

Potential collaborators in industry and policy are encouraged to contact the Centre if they would like to participate in the workshop to shape proposals, and directions for research.

Potential applicants from across Imperial College London are invited to attend this CSEI workshop Monday 20 April, 11.00 – 13.00 (it will be run in person and/or online).

To attend the workshop and/or show an interest in the call please follow this weblink 

The workshop will explore systems approaches and systems engineering and help shape feasibility studies to CSEI vision and aims and industry priorities.  It is possible to attend the CSEI workshop without submitting to the call (and vice versa) but we will favour proposals that are developed through dialogue in this workshop, which will involve selected industrial collaborators.

How are projects chosen?

Proposals will be ranked in relation to their scope/objectives, fit with the vision and aims of the Centre, methods/work-plan, potential industry impact, added value, overall costs and follow-on plans. Submitted proposals will be considered by a Technical Advisory Committee comprised of Centre advisory partners and academics. Final decisions will be taken by the Director in consultation with internal and external colleagues.

How to apply?
The proposal template/headings are available here. Submission is by email to csei@imperial.ac.uk before 16.00 on 4th May 2020 and the proposal should fit on ONE page of A4 (calibri 11 font)

Contact Us


Centre Director
Dr Ana Mijic


For adminstration please contact:

T:  +44 (0)20 7594 5031