Since starting in 2017, a total of 93 staff have participated in the Engagement Academy.

Find out more about our Engagement Academy participants

The 2023/24 Engagement Academy participants were: 

  • Aba Adebanjo (she/her) Outreach 
  • Sarindi Aryasinghe (she/her) Surgery & Cancer
  • Alexander Bailey (he/him) Life Sciences
  • Sara Barnett (she/her) Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction
  • Diana Cano Bordajandi (she/her) Earth Science and Engineering
  • Jack Cooper (he/him) Institute of Global Health Innovation
  • Ines Diaz del Olmo (she/her)  Infectious Disease
  • Lucile Genin (she/her)  International Relations Office
  • Julie Hoang (she/her) Bioengineering
  • Jose Jimenez (he/him) Life Sciences
  • Ayesha Khan (she/her) Aeronautical Engineering
  • Pallavi Nair (she/her) Primary Care and Public Health
  • Rakhee Parmar (she/her) Infectious Disease
  • Zuzanna Rydz (she/her)  Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Amy Smith (she/her) Academic Services
  • Sze Wing (Tweety) Tang (she/her) Bioengineering
  • Alice Witt (she/her) George Institute for Global Health
  • Peng Yan (he/him) Chemical Engineering

Each participant developed their own engagement activity as part of the programme. Read more about the Engagement Academy Project Summaries 2023-2024 (pdf)


The 2022/23 Engagement Academy participants were:

  • Angela Pinot de Moira (she/her) - National Heart and Lung Institute
  • Blerina Ahmetaj-Shala (she/her) - National Heart and Lung Institute
  • Gemma Ralton (she/her) - Department of Engineering
  • Harry Jenkins (he/him) - Enterprise
  • Kristin Gembiak (she/her) - Advancement
  • Laura Fabbri (she/her) - National Heart and Lung Institute
  • Lidia Bonomi (she/her) - Student Services, Faculty of Medicine
  • Liyun Ma (she/her) - Department of Bioengineering
  • Maria Valdivia-Garcia (she/her) - Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction
  • Marta Sousa de Sotto-Mayor (she/her) - Outreach
  • Pedro Nakasu (he/him) - Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Shyam Sundar Budhathoki (he/him) - School of Public Health
  • Stav Friedman (she/her) - School of Public Health
  • Sukhi Ubhi (she/her) - Primary Care & Public Health

Each participant developed their own engagement activity as part of the programme. Read more about the Engagement Academy Summaries 2022-23

The 2021/22 Engagement Academy participants were:

  • Anshu Bansal (she/her) - Enterprise
  • Claudia Cannon (she/her) - Faculty of Natural Sciences
  • Jonathan Clarke (he/him) - Department of Mathematics
  • Ana Lucia Cruz Ruiz (she/her) - Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Tom Curtin (he/him) - Department of Computing
  • Hannah Gowland (she/her) - Department of Brain Sciences
  • Juan Guzmán-Iñigo (he/him) - Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Anna Hankin (she/her) - Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Anastasiya Kishkevich (she/her) - Department of Bioengineering
  • Anirudh Kulkarni (he/him) - Department of Bioengineering
  • Dez Mendoza (they/them) - Library Services
  • Emma Pallett (she/her) - Department of Chemistry
  • Izhar Shah (he/him) - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Jayne Shaw (she/her) - Department of Bioengineering

Each participant developed their own engagement activity as part of the programme. Read more about the Engagement Academy 2021/22 projects (PDF).

The 2020 Engagement Academy participants were:

  • Oytun Babacan, The Grantham Institute for Climate Change
  • Fadil Bidmos, Department of Infectious Disease
  • Stanislava Boskovic, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Rose Brown, Business School
  • Vanessa Eyles, Department of Mathematics
  • Suzy Ford, Department of Surgery and Cancer
  • Keisha Khyne-Sam, Central Faculty, Community Engagement
  • Nitya Krishnan, Department of Infectious Disease
  • Madeleine Morris, The Grantham Institute for Climate Change
  • Maeve O'Sullivan, Central Faculty, Public Engagement
  • Emily Prior, School of Public Health
  • Anenta Ramakrishnan, National Heart and Lung Institute
  • Alex Shaw, Department of Infectious Disease
  • Cecilie Skaarup, Department of Bioengineering
  • Francesca Troiani, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Maria Valera Espina , Department of Computing

Each participant developed their own engagement activity as part of the programme. Read more about the Engagement Academy 2020 projects (PDF)

  • Dr Philip Anyanwu - Research Associate, Department of Medicine
  • Dr Cristina Bertulli - Project Manager, Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Dr Marta Ciechonska - Research Associate, Department of Life Sciences
  • Hamlata Dewchand - Laboratory Services, Health and Safety and Lab Services
  • Dr Anandha Gopalan - Senior Teaching Fellow, Department of Computing
  • Dr Roya Haghighat-Khan - Research Associate, Department of Life Sciences
  • Dr Benjamin Maunder - Research Associate, Department of Earth Science and Engineering
  • Dr Nuria Oliva-Jorge - Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Bioengineering
  • Dr Maria Parkes - Senior Strategic Teaching Fellow, Department of Bioengineering 
  • Mrs Bhavna Patel - Project Coordinator, Department of Chemical Engineering 
  • Dr Elena Psyllou - Research Associate, Department of Civil Engineering
  • Dr Alekos Simoni - Research Associate, Department of Life Sciences
  • Emily Pickering - CHARIOT Register Team Manager, NEA Research Unit
  • Ms Claire Tomson - HPRU Manager, Infectious Disease Epidemiology
  • Dr Geraldine Torin Ollarves - Research Associate, Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Ms Sabine van Elsland - External Communications and Relationships manager,  Infectious Disease Epidemiology
  • Ms Hilary Watt - Consultant Statistician and Teaching Fellow, Department of Medicine
  • Ms Sara West - Communications Officer, Department of Chemical Engineering 
  • Ms Xiaolei Zhang - Bioinformatics Research Assistant, National Heart and Lung Institute

Each participant developed their own engagement activity as part of the programme. Read more about the Engagement academy 2018-19 projects (PDF)

  • Ms Hafiza Bibi - Research Coordinator,  Department of Materials
  • Dr Enrique Castro-Sanchez - Academic Research Nurse, Department of Medicine 
  • Dr Neil Dufton - Research Associate, National Heart & Lung Institute
  • Dr Alicia Estacio Gomez - Research Associate, Department of Life Sciences
  • Dr Antonio Filieri - Lecturer, Department of Computing
  • Dr Kate Hobson - Manager for Centre of Neurotechnology & CDT Neurotechnology, Department of Bioengineering
  • Dr Erisa Karafili - Research Associate, Department of Computing 
  • Ms Marianne Knight - Network Manager for the EPSRC UK-RAS Network, Hamlyn Centre 
  • Dr Ian Radcliffe - Teaching Fellow, Department of Bioengineering
  • Dr Anna Radomska - Centre Manager for Maths of Plant Earth CDT, Department of Mathematics
  • Dr Panagiotis Vorkas - Research Associate, Department of Surgery and Cancer
  • Ms Emma White - Reseach Technician, Department of Surgery and Cancer 

Each participant developed their own engagement activity as part of the programme, learn more about their projects here.

Poetry from Academy

At Imperial, this is what we do!

All interested in engaging the world in what we do,
We signed up to the engagement academy to learn something new.
From audience research, to evaluation, the course has been jam-packed.
We’ll now briefly go through what we learnt, so sit back and relax.

Through my engagement activity, I faced challenges simplifying something so technical,
Data science as a topic is often complex and intangible.
After learning about audience research, I sought to run my own focus group.

I found out where I was going wrong, by chatting to students to get the inside scoop.
Aside from this, we also learnt lots of useful techniques for evaluation.
These will be invaluable to me, for events I run as part of my work in communication.

“Engagement” - Not the kind that celebrates a love union
But one that unites people who love

Sharing their work in communion
And the best projects you can think of

Because communities are all but harming
These findings were a breakthrough

"Engaging" is a synonym of charming
And at Imperial, this is what we do!

The Engagement Academy has been a great opportunity for us to network with others at Imperial College.
Thanks to Charlotte and the Engagement Academy team for giving us all your knowledge!”

By Lidia Bonomi, Gemma Ralton and Angela Pinot de Moira (2023 Academy Graduates)

I am a scientist, but I can be a poet too

I am a scientist
But I can be a poet too
But I can't be me
Without you
And without a community
To answer to
Without knowing what makes people do what they do
And without knowing what they want to know
I can only plant a seed
But it will not grow
Until I open my world of stats and calculations
Of analysing compounds and compilations

You see, science is like poetry
We test the words like we test the water
Until we find a flow to the equation
A smart solution in perfect configuration
And only then will the seed sprout
Its little leaves come shooting out
Giving us something to shout about
You see, science is like poetry

For engagement, is like science, is like poetry
We test our words like we test the water
Waiting to find out what makes people tick
Trying the words that will make it all click
And will shoot that sprout into a tree
The epitome of scientific engagement harmony

You see, engagement is science is poetry
Where engagement is the brain
And poetry is the heart
And science is the place where it all gets to start

By Stav Friedman (2023 Academy Graduate)

Further training opportunities

Evaluating Public Engagement

This lively masterclass will enable you to assess whether your public engagement activities are successful and help you to reveal the areas that may need fine-tuning.

Book one-to-one advice

Book a 30 minute one-to-one call with a member of the Public Engagement team to help answer your questions and discuss your engagement ideas. 

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