EDF Energy Flexifund

The EDF FlexiFund was a collaboration between Imperial College London and EDF Energy. The initiative enabled short-term exploratory projects in areas of common interest to both. The expectation from these precursor projects is that they could lead to longer-term research projects in the College.

In June 2015 Energy Futures Lab ran a workshop to faciliate the creation of proposals around three main topic areas:

  • Impact of energy markets regulations and incentives on new generation technologies and new business models
  • Heat electrification and management of electricity system
  • B2B Energy Services

The result was a number of high quality proposals with three chosen to be funded:

  1. Load forecasting of electricity and heat demands in urban areas through agent-based modelling
  2. Multi-scale analysis of low carbon heat supply technologies in urban areas
  3. Driving the evolution of NILM technology

Energy Futures Lab and EDF Energy ran a follow-up programme, the EDF SparkFund, in 2016.

For more information on either please contact Dr Rebeca Santamaria-Fernandez or Dr Francesca Pietra.

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The Industry Partnerships and Commercialisation team

The Industry Partnerships and Commercialisation (IPC) team, part of the Enterprise Division, helps maximise the impact of Imperial's academic discoveries by identifying and progressing opportunities to develop research and technologies through collaboration and commercialisation. It manages industry partnerships and key stakeholder relationships.

You should contact the IPC team if you are interested in:

  • Collaborating with the College on industrial research
  • Licencing Imperial's technology portfolio
  • Working with us to access translational funds

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