Bio-Driven Chemical Engineering

Bio-Driven Chemical Engineering Our Bio-driven research stands at the interface of traditional engineering and biological and medical sciences. Our mission is to combine the core principles from chemical, materials and mechanical engineering with modern biology and medicine to develop new approaches to biomedical engineering, bioprocessing and associated technology.  We are also concerned with novel approaches to certain specific problems in biotechnology, separation and industrial waste water treatment. 

Our research is highly interdisciplinary and involves extensive collaborations with other departments in the College, as well as leading London hospitals, industrial and university partners all over the world. Our research activities range from experimental work related to tissue engineering and stem cells to computational modelling of biological systems at various scales.

Current Research Activities Include

Optimising Bioprocessing

Applying biological innovations to the engineering with a view to improving the cost and effectiveness of biological processing systems

  • Intelligent stem cell culture systems
  • Computer simulation of the growth processes of biological cultures
  • Oxygen transport simulation in human bone marrow

Environmental Biotechnology

Using biological agents in environmental engineering to develop and improve processes

  • Anaerobic treatment of waste waters
  • Biotransformation processes and in downstream separation of their products
  • Processes to separate and recover heavy metals from their effluent

Biomedical Engineering

Work taking place at the interface of chemical engineering and medicine

  • Lower limb venous haemodynamics
  • Design of porous media for biomedical applications
  • Imaging and modelling of flow patterns in the human coronary artery
  • Tissue engineering