Physical Properties and Analytics Laboratory

Physical Properties and Analytics At the heart of the Physical Properties and Analytics Laboratory is the search for a fundamental understanding of the properties of matter and their relation to the structure and interactions of molecules.

In pursuit of this goal, we employ leading-edge experimental and computational tools that allow us to gain detailed knowledge of physical and chemical properties, to test and extend theory, and to facilitate the design of products and processes.

Our work is of fundamental scientific interest; it is also of practical utility as knowledge of the properties of molecular systems is of prime importance to the development of numerous products and processes.

The Laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art experimental facilities for studying the physical properties, phase behaviour, and flow of complex fluids under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure. Many of these facilities are unique, comprising bespoke apparatus developed in our laboratory.

A major focus is on the properties of petroleum reservoir fluids (gas, oil and brines), flow in porous media, and the influence of other fluids that may be injected for the purposes of enhanced hydrocarbon recovery or carbon sequestration.

Physical Properties and Analytics Lab Modelling and computation are closely integrated with the experimental programme. Molecular simulation and molecular theory are used to relate properties, structure and molecular interactions, and are applied to a vast array of systems from simple fluids to liquid crystals and polymers.

The Laboratory has played a leading role in the development of the Statistical Associating Fluid Theory, a state of the art equation of state, and has pioneered the use of molecular simulation to study the properties of complex fluids and the interfacial phenomena.

Our analytical research is an interdisciplinary endeavour linking chemistry, chemical engineering, materials, pharmaceuticals and biomedical sciences.