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What's included in the Corporate Partnership Programme?

The Corporate Partnership Programme facilitates interactions between industry and the Department, to simultaneously support students throughout their time at Imperial, and connect them with future employers.  

If you want prioritised, managed access to our students, please consider joining us as a Corporate Partner.

How do we join?

If you'd like to join the Corporate Partnership Programme - as a member or benefactor - you can fill out this form. Membership will begin from receipt of payment, you can view CPP payment information methods.

There are two levels of membership to the CPP:

  • Member - £1,900 (inc VAT)
  • Benefactor - £6,400 (£1,900 + £4,500)

All fees go into a fund for students, providing prizes, travel grants, equipment, hardship funding and more.

If you have any questions please contact us, we look forward to hearing from you.


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