Innovation in sustainable growth

At the Dyson School, we are committed to sustainable practice.  We also believe that low carbon technologies and new products designed around a circular economy (in which nothing is wasted and all is recycled) are some of the greatest industrial opportunities of our time.  However, the complexity and interconnectedness of the issues that need to be addressed -- from new manufacturing processes, new energy sources and management innovation, through to issues of fairness, distribution and the challenges of poverty -- mean that sustainable growth cannot be tackled in disciplinary isolation. 

Future solutions to today’s challenges will require new methods that cut across disciplines. Designers and engineers creating new technologies need to better understand their current methods, and invent new ones that take into account new ethical considerations if technologies are to be designed, commercialised, and regulated to benefit our lives, communities, and the planet.  

Some of our projects contributing to this area include:  

See our research groups, including our research group on energy technologiesfor more information on our work in sustainable growth.



Dr Billy Wu

Billy Wu

Dr Billy Wu

Dr Pelin Demirel

Pelin Demirel

Dr Pelin Demirel

Prof. Peter Childs

Peter Childs

Prof. Peter Childs

Dr Leila Sheldrick


Dr Leila Sheldrick

Dr Samuel Cooper

Sam Cooper

Dr Samuel Cooper

Dr Chandramohan George

Chandra George

Dr Chandramohan George

Dr Yunlong Zhao

Dr Yunlong Zhao

Contact us

Dyson School of Design Engineering
Imperial College London
25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7594 8888

Campus Map