Charcoal Drawing Spaces in between

About Spaces In Between:

A drawing class to explore the spaces and gaps between objects. This negative space can be just as important as the object you are working from. Spaces can be used to help measure out/check proportions or set a mood or tone for your work. They can help with depth of field and placing your subject, or with a bit of practice, used to emphasise or undermine the subject/object itself.

You will need:

Materials: Paper, (any size) Drawing tool (ideally pencil or charcoal), an eraser

Things to work from: Set up a still life, which contains holes e.g., a chair, ladder, banister, or collection of objects (with some space in between them.)

To take part join our mailing list  using your college email to keep up to date with all our opportunities and for links to our weekly classes.  You only need to sign up once to have access to all the classes.


About the Blyth Art Classes 

Our classes will teach practical approaches to making with a variety of professional artists. There will be an opportunity to meet up together live online, share your work and gain feedback from the visiting tutor and our head of art Mindy Lee.  

These classes are for all students and staff currently studying/working at Imperial College. They are specially designed to cater to all abilities, so whether you are an absolute beginner or an experienced artist, we have something to offer you. 

Weekly emails will be sent out about our Blyth Arts Events. Links to join each session will be emailed out on the day of the class.

We also have an archive of art classes for you to try here.

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