The core team for the CDT consists of:
NameDepartmentResearch Interest
Dr George Papadakis  Aeronautics (CDT Director) Turbulent flows, active/passive flow control, mixing in stirred vessels
Dr Chiu Fan Lee Bioengineering Biological physics, active matter, phase transitions in biology, biopolymer self-assembly. Director of Outreach
Prof Omar Matar Chemical Engineering Multiphase flows, heat and mass transfer, stability, interfacial flows, CFD, soft matter, complex fluids. Director of Operations
Prof Aimee Morgans  Mechanical Engineering Thermoacoustics, flow control, bluff body flows, combustion.  Member of the Management and Research Committees.
Prof Jonathan Morrison  Aeronautics Active control of transitional and turbulent shear layers; drag reduction. Director of Research

Prof Ann Muggeridge

 Earth Science and Engineering Numerical and analytical modelling of porous media flows (isothermal and non-isothermal, multiphase), diffusive transport, reduced order modelling. Particular interests in oil recovery. Director of Sustainability.
Prof Demetrios Papageorgiou Mathematics Multiphase flows, interfacial electrohydrodynamics, surfactant effects, thin films, micro-flows, dissipative dynamical systems. Director of Teaching
Dr Maarten van Reeuwijk Civil and Environmental Engineering Buoyancy driven flows, urban micro-climate, turbulent boundary layers, mass transfer, free-surface flows, numerical methods, HPC. Member of the Teaching, Research, and Management Committees
A large number of other Imperial academics are involved in teaching and research. See the Research page for more information.
Summary of the table's contents

Contact us

CDT Administrator
Miss Clodagh Li



The CDT is unfortunately no longer recruiting students to the programme