December 2021 SAB theme updates

Priority Pathogens

Priority pathogens theme: Dec 2021 updates from lead researcher, Elita.

Precision Prescribing

Precision prescribing theme: Dec 2021 updates from lead researcher, Tim.
Practice, design & engineering theme: Dec 2021 updates from lead researcher, Esmita.

Population Health & Policy

Population health & policy theme: Dec 2021 updates from lead researcher, Nina.
Summary of the table's contents

Watch a video highlighting the progress within each research theme from our first year of this HPRU (Apr 2020 - Mar 2021)

Year 1 updates (all themes)

Highlights from year 1 from our research themes: Priority Pathogens (Elita Jauneikaite) | Precision Prescribing (Tim Rawson) | Practice, Design & Engineering (Esmita Charani) | Population Health & Policy (Nina Zhu)

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Department of Medicine