The Great Debate at EFORT: 5/6 June 2014

In 2014 The Great Debate joined forces with the 15th EFORT Congress which ran between 4  and 6 of June 2014 at London ExCEL. Embedded within the biggest orthopaedic conference in Europe, we ran two sessions within the main programme in our usual style:  topical, conversational and interactive with many debates.

We had an exceptional series of speakers and panel members with some of the best orthopaedic minds in Europe, reinforced with talent from the USA and Australia.

The knee sessions covered a variety of topics:

  • Knees aren’t as good as hips.
  • Patient matched vs conventional instrumentation.
  • Uni vs bi-compartmental.
  • The shape of the future – custom made devices or robots?

During the hip session questions were posed to the invited panel about a number of thought provoking issues such as:

  • To resurface or not to resurface?
  • How long should stems be?
  • The best head size and approaches.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Knee Arthroplasty

Time: 09.00 - 10.30

Location: London Room
Programme (provisional - still being refined)


Design - will a total knee ever match a total hip replacement?

Professor Jan Victor
Surgical technique and clinical outcome in knee arthroplasty 
Professor Fares Haddad
Implant design dictates functional outcome 

Debate: Surgeon v's device - what matters most?


Instrumentation - is the future patient matched?

Dr Nanne Kort
Patient matched instruments are ready for prime time 
Dr Emmanuel Thienpont
Conventional instruments are more reliable 

Debate: How best to provide efficiency and accuracy

Compartmental arthroplasty

Professor Peter Aldinger
The case for uni-knees 
Professor David Barrett
The case for bi-compartmentals 

Debate: Why the fuss, just do a total


The shape of the future

Dr Stefan Kreuzer
Robot assisted arthroplasty 
Dr Tom Minas
Patient specific implants 

Debate: Is it affordable?

Friday 6 June 2014

Hip Arthroplasty

Time: 15.00 - 16.30

Location: Munich Room
Programme (provisional - still being refined)


Where is resurfacing in 2014?

Mr Derek McMinn
Resurfacing is the long term option 
Mr Dermot Collopy
Let down by the material, again 

Debate: Does resurfacing have a role?


What is the optimum stem length?

Dr Stefan Kreuzer
Shorter is better 
Mr Johan WItt
Match stem length to the patient and their problem 

Debate: How short is too short? 

Trends in head size

Mr Richard Field

Bigger isn't always better
A/Professor William L Walter
I use the biggest head size possible 

Debate: Dislocation vs friction 

Approaching the hip

Professor Thierry Judet
Anterior for all comers
Professor David Beverland
Posterior: the safe option 

Debate: Is this tribal?



Kathy Lewis