The Partnership for Child Development is committed to strengthening the evidence base, through the sharing and dissemination of knowledge obtained for good practice in the implementation of school health and nutrition programmes.

Research undertaken by PCD has covered topics including the delivery and cost of SHN interventions worms (parasitic helminth infections), malaria, nutrition (including micronutrients), sexually transmitted infections (including HIV), and home grown school feeding.

The publication of PCD supported research is through a variety of media including: academic journals, books, reports, fact sheets, guidelines and toolkits. The means of sharing and dissemination include the Schools & Health and PCD web sites and the School Health mailing list in addition to the distribution of hard copy at meetings and workshops, as well as external list serves.

A selection of PCD supported publications are displayed below.

Title Author Year Publisher Topic
Kenya – Investment in Rural Economies Project – Annual Report 2021 PCD 2022 PCD SF
Zanzibar Home Grown School Feeding Annual Report 2021 PCD 2022 PCD SF
Kenya – Investment in Rural Economies Project – Annual Report 2020 PCD   PCD SF
Zanzibar Home Grown School Feeding Annual Report 2020 PCD   PCD SF
Parliamentary Review 2019 PCD   PCD SF, SHN
School Health for All – Operational Manual Sightsavers and PCD   Sightsavers SHN
Integrated WASH NTD and School FeedingIntegrated WASH, NTD & School Feeding – Learnings from an Ethiopian pilot programme PCD   PCD SF, SHN
Water Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Manual – WASH training for Hygiene Promotion staff Norwegian Refugee Council and PCD   PCD SHN
Global School Feeding Sourcebook: Lessons from 14 countries Drake, L.J., Woulnough, A., Bundy, D.A.P. & Burbano, C. 2016 Imperial College Press SF
Integrated School Health: a manual for teachers PCD 2015  PCD SHN
HGSF Working Paper 16 Sensitive to nutrition lit review of school feeding effect Watkins K. L., Gelli, A. et al 2015 PCD SHN
On the transition to sustainability: an analysis of the costs of school feeding compared with the costs of primary education Bundy, D.A.P., Burbano, C., Gelli, A., Risley, C. & Neeser, K.L. 2011 Food and Nutrition Bulletin SF
School food, politics, and child health Bundy, D.A.P., Drake, L.J. & Burbano, C. 2012 in press Public Health Nutrition SF
The impact of education on sexual behaviour in sub-Saharan Africa: A review of the literature Zuilkowski, S.S. & Jukes, M.C.H.  2012 AIDS Care HIV/AIDS

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