Year in Industry/Research

The Department of Life Sciences has two degrees offering year-long industrial/research placements and internships:

  • Biological Sciences
  • Biochemistry

Every year some of our students undertake a year-long industrial placement in a wide variety of institutions related to their degree, in the UK and around the world, including pharmaceutical industries, research institutes and conservation trusts.

We accept opportunities for industrial and research placements from August until June for placements starting in August/September . To advertise an in

As part of your degree, you can choose to register for a Year In Industry/Research. This scheme allows you to spend a year undertaking a placement (usually paid) in industry. At a much reduced fee cost, this is an opportunity to gain more practical experience in aspects of your degree that you are particularly interested in. It will allow you to profile yourself above and beyond the limitations of the basic degree to enhance your position in the employment market. Dedicated coordinators will provide support to help you finding placements and during your placement. To find out more, contact Laurence Bugeon 

Recruiting students via an Industrial Placement is one of the most effective ways of attracting world-class candidates upon graduation. We welcome new placement and internship opportunities. 

A number of our undergraduate students have registered on Year in Industry/Research degrees. This scheme allows them to spend their third year working in industry from September/October until July /August, providing them with experience in project-based research before they return to study for their final year.

Only our top students are allowed to go on placement years, ensuring that all parties benefit.

Students are attracted to the scheme for a number of reasons including:

a)the opportunity to gain more practical experience in aspects of their degree that they are particularly interested in.

b)the opportunity to sample the whole experience of working on a scientific project in a professional environment.

c) the opportunity to profile themselves above and beyond the limitations of the basic degree so as to enhance their position in the employment

Find out more

To find out more about how your company/institution can benefit from hosting industrial placement students, please contact


Please note that the Department reserves the right not to advertise placement opportunities considered not to be educationally advantageous.

We accept opportunities for industrial and research placements from August until June for placements starting in August/September .

To advertise an industrial placement:

Send the job/project description and application process to our placement coordinators, Laurence Bugeon and David Hartley

We will review and send the details to our cohort of students.

 Please contact if you require further details. 


Please note that the Department reserves the right not to advertise job opportunities considered not to be educationally advantageous or relevant to our students' professional training. 

For more information about placements for Imperial College students, please visit the college placements page.

Faculty Industry Partnerships

Find out more about Faculty of Natural Sciences Industry Partnerships and Commercialisation. 

Key contacts in Life Sciences

Meet key contacts in Life Sciences including staff responsible for industry placement enquiries.