PhD opportunities

We offer a wide range of PhD opportunities in our research area. All applications should be made online via the postgraduate applications system My Imperial.

Apply via My Imperial

Our research areas

Research in the Science of Natural Environment, Space and Plasma community incorporates activity from our Space and Atmospheric Physics and Plasma Physics research groups.

You can discover the research from these groups at the links below.

Space Physics

  • Heliospheric Physics
  • Solar Terrestrial Physics
  • Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
  • Planetary Aeronomy
  • Magnetic Field Instruments
  • Space Weather Simulation

Atmospheric Physics

  • Atmosphere and Climate Physics
  • Earth Observation Physics
  • Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions
  • Molecular and Atomic Spectroscopy
  • Carbon Cycle

Plasma Physics

  • High energy density physics
  • Dusty Plasmas
  • The MAGPIE pulsed-power generator: dense Z-pinch and laboratory astrophysics research
  • Laser Plasma Interactions
  • Laser Plasma Theory
  • MACH and Extreme Physics research: : Convergent shock waves, high speed flyers and New X-ray sources
  • Tokamak Research

Related research groups

The Physics of Natural Environment, Space, Plasma community brings together research from our former group structure, including:

Community contact

For any queries about the Space, Plasma and Climate Community, please contact:

Community lead: Prof Stuart Mangles

Administrative queries email: