Welcome to the community!

Welcome to the Department of Physics. We want all our taught postgraduate students to enjoy your time with us, and are committed to providing the help and support you need to settle in quickly to the Department.

If you have any problems or concerns, you can contact the Postgraduate Administrator, Loli Sanchez Rey.

Message from the Director of Postgraduate Taught Studies

Welcome to the taught postgraduate (MSc and MRes) pages of the website. Here you will find useful information that will support your studies. The Physics Department hosts a range of MSc and MRes programmes, namely:

  • MSc in Physics
  • MSc in Physics with Extended Research
  • MSc in Physics with Quantum Dynamics
  • MSc in Quantum Fields and Fundamental Forces

Each programme has its own handbook. These contain important information about each programme, details of the dedicated Directors and key points of contact for each programme, as well as other useful information to support you and your studies.

I hope you have a stimulating and enjoyable time in London, at Imperial and in the Department of Physics!

Professor Toby WisemanProfessor Toby Wiseman
Director of Postgraduate Taught Studies

Useful information

Mitigating circumstances

If you need to make a request for mitigating circumstances for assessed coursework (if you missed an examination because you were ill, for example) you can find the forms on the College's Examinations and Assessments webpage., where you have missed a major item of coursework such as a written examination. Also there where you have missed a problem sheet or lab report. 

Mitigation circumstances request form and the Mitigating circumstances self-certification form can be found on the College's Examinations and Assessments webpage.

Please go to the "Mitigating Circumstances" tab, the fifth on the list, for the forms.


The Bayforest Technologies Limited Prize for the Best Project

This is an award for two MSc or MRes students registered in the Department of Physics who are adjudged to have produced the most outstanding research project.

£500 is awarded for first place and £250 for second place.

These prizes are supported by Bayforest Technologies Limited.