Name Functional Area Specific functions Job title Contact details
Bell, Andrea European Commission
EU team primary contact for the Faculty of Medicine.  Advice on EU funding opportunities and pre-contractual aspects of EU funding including advice on and negotiation of any pre-contractual agreements (e.g., confidentiality agreements, letters of intent) .  Negotiation of Consortium Agreements and Grant Agreements and of any related amendments. Head of EU Team

+44 (0)20 7594 6580

Coombs, Megan European Commission Advice on EU funding opportunities and pre-contractual aspects of EU funding including advice on and negotiation of any pre-contractual agreements (e.g., confidentiality agreements, letters of intent) .  Negotiation of Consortium Agreements and Grant Agreements and of any related amendments. EU Research Funding Specialist

+44 (0)20 7594 6578

Lloyd, James European Commission Advice on EU funding opportunities and pre-contractual aspects of EU funding including advice on and negotiation of any pre-contractual agreements (e.g., confidentiality agreements, letters of intent). Negotiation of Consortium Agreements and Grant Agreements and of any related amendments. EU Research Funding Specialist

+44 (0) 20 7594 3635