Training staff at Pinggu site


Team members

  • Ghadeer Aljuraiban, Honorary Research Associate and Assistant Professor, King Saud University
  • Marc Chadeau, Reader
  • Elena Chekmeneva, Research Associate 
  • Gonçalo Correia, Research Associate
  • Isabel Garcia-Perez, Lecturer
  • Linda Oude Griep, Honorary Research Associate, Senior Research Associate, MRC Epidemiology Unit
  • Chungho Lau, Research Associate
  • Ruey Leng Loo, Honorary Clinical Lecturer
  • Joram Posma, Lecturer
  • Ioanna Tzoulaki, Reader
  • Li Yan, Honorary Research Associate and Research Associate, Environmental Research Group, King's College London

The International Study of Macro-and Micro-Nutrients (INTERMAP) is an epidemiological investigation of relationships between micro- and macronutrient intakes, timed 24-hour urinary biochemistry and metabolic phenotypes, and BP. Data were collected during 1997-1999 on 4,680 women and men ages 40-59 (including metabolomics data) from diverse population samples in USA, People’s Republic of China, Japan and UK at four visits. Standardized quality-controlled data collection included BP measurements; interviewer-administered in-depth multi-pass 24-hr dietary recalls; questionnaire data on occupation, education, other socio-demographic traits, medical history, and other possible confounders; two timed 24-hr urine collections including 8% split specimens for external quality control.

Urinary aliquots from both 24-hr collections were shipped to a Central Laboratory (Leuven, Belgium), and analysed there for urinary sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, urea, creatinine, albumin, and 23 amino acids. Subsequently, all urine specimens were shipped to Imperial College London, where urinary metabolome-wide proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopic profiling and direct injection mass spectrometry (DIMS) were completed. NMR spectroscopic profiling of 24-hour urine samples of ICP Study has just completed.

INTERMAP is funded primarily by the US National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; Chicago Health Research Foundation; project grant from the West Midlands National Health Service Research and Development and Grant No. R2019EPH from the Chest, Heart, and Stroke Association, Northern Ireland; Grant (A) from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture.

INTERMAP China Prospective (ICP) Study is funded by Wellcome Trust and National Natural Science Foundation of China, fieldwork completed in December 2016.

INTERLIPID Study (an INTERMAP ancillary study): NMR and MS of INTERLIPID serum samples is currently underway to enhance the INTERMAP metabolic profiling database. The INTERLIPID metabolome-wide association study (MWAS) is funded by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

Recent publications

  • Wen X, Zhou L, Stamler J, Chan Q, Van Horn L, Daviglus M, Dyer A, Elliott P, Ueshima H, Miura K, Okuda N, Wu Y and Zhao L. Agreement between 24-h dietary recalls and 24-h urine collections for estimating sodium intake in China, Japan, UK, USA: the International Study of Macro- and Micro-nutrients and Blood Pressure. Journal of Hypertension. 2018. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001941.
  • Stamler J, Chan Q, Daviglus ML, Dyer AR, Van Horn L, Garside DB, Miura K, Wu Y, Ueshima H, Zhao L, Elliott P. Relation of Dietary Sodium (Salt) to Blood Pressure and Its Possible Modulation by Other Dietary Factors: The INTERMAP Study. Hypertension. 2018;71:631-637 doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.117.09928.
  • Chekmeneva E, Dos Santos Correia G, Gomez-Romero M, Stamler J, Chan Q, Elliott P, Nicholson JK and Holmes E. Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography-High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Direct Infusion-High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Combined Exploratory and Targeted Metabolic Profiling of Human Urine. J Proteome Res. 2018;17:3492-3502. doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00413
  • Zaid M, Miura K, Okayama A, Nakagawa H, Sakata K, Saitoh S, Okuda N, Yoshita K, Choudhury SR, Rodriguez B, Masaki K, Willcox B, Miyagawa N, Okamura T, Chan Q, Elliott P, Stamler J and Ueshima H. Associations of High-Density Lipoprotein Particle and High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol With Alcohol Intake, Smoking, and Body Mass Index - The INTERLIPID Study. Circulation Journal. 2018;82:2557-2565. doi: 10.1253/circj.CJ-18-0341
  • Aljuraiban GS, Stamler J, Chan Q, Van Horn L, Daviglus ML, Elliott P, Oude Griep LM and Group IR. Relations between dairy product intake and blood pressure: the INTERnational study on MAcro/micronutrients and blood Pressure. Journal of Hypertension. 2018;36:2049-2058. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001779

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