What is your role as a GTA?

As a GTA at Imperial College London, you provide valuable support to undergraduate and Master’s students in a variety of learning and teaching situations. Depending on your department and context, you may be asked to carry out one or more of the following tasks:

  • teach seminars, tutorials or problem classes;
  •  supervise students completing UG and/or Master’s projects;
  •  mentor students and provide guidance and technical support on course materials and study skills;
  •  signpost students to appropriate pastoral care and support services on campus;
  •  provide feedback to students on their progress;
  • mark students’ work using published assessment criteria;
  •  demonstrate during laboratory and practical sessions;
  •  support students during fieldwork.

In all of your work as a GTA, you should be guided and supported by a member of staff in your department. This may be the module lead, other lecturers and teaching fellows, or administrative staff. You should not be responsible for designing curricula, designing summative assessments or writing references for students.

You have a responsibility to remain professional in your interactions with students.

You can view the College’s outline of GTA roles and responsibilities here.

What training and support is available?

The Graduate School has developed the GTA Programme (GTAP), which is accredited by the Higher Education Academy at D1, Associate Fellowship status. There is a series of core and optional courses as well as one-day retreats aimed at providing a flexible training experience to suit the diverse needs of GTAs across the College.

There is also GTA induction training and support in your department. Ask your supervisor for the contact details of your departmental GTA coordinator.

How do I find a GTA role?

GTA roles are usually advertised internally by your department. It is also a good idea to inform your departmental colleagues that you would like to work as a GTA. You will also need support and permission from your PhD supervisor before you complete any GTA work.

After you have completed the core GTA training offered by the Graduate School. You will be added to our database of trained GTAs. Occasionally, the Graduate School sends details of upcoming opportunities by email to all trained GTAs, so look out for these notifications.

How do I register and get paid as a GTA?

Once you have completed the compulsory training – either with the Graduate School or in your department – you can register as a GTA. You should ask your departmental GTA coordinator for a Pay 8a form. Once you have completed this, your department will do a right-to-work check to verify that you are eligible to work legally in the UK. After you have been registered, you submit your GTA hours on a monthly basis and your department will process these so that you can be paid

Students as Partners

The Graduate School's Students as Partners initiative gives Doctoral students from across the College the opportunity to engage with our Development Programme to help shape its design and delivery.

For more information, please visit the website