Imperial News

CSEI Industry Showcase event

by Tim Gordon

CSEI Industry Showcase event

CSEI Industry Showcase event

On 8th September 2017 The Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation (CSEI) held its first annual Industry Showcase event.

Attended by 50 of our close collaborators the event aimed to showcase the Centre’s ongoing mission, to bring systems engineering and innovation to civil infrastructure.

CSEI Industry Showcase Agenda

Welcoming delegates, Centre Director Professor Jennifer Whyte provided an overview of the day which focused on the Centre’s three key themes: Production Systems, Interdependencies and Transitions from the project to operations.

Opening session“The purpose of the showcase is to highlight the Centre’s current research and accomplishments to our industry partners as well as internal collaborators at Imperial College” Professor Jennifer Whyte explained. “Not only does the event act as a platform for broadening our industry engagement, but also allows us to explore our new connections with other Imperial College research centres”.

As well as presentations from the CSEI team the ‘New Connections’ element of the programme welcomed speakers from Imperial’s Aerial Robotics Lab as well as Professor Mark Girolami from The Alan Turing Institute

Posters were presented during our lunchtime session such as visiting UROP student Arthur Mun, whose research centres around “Systematic comparison of 4D BIM tools and approaches for construction progress monitoring”.

To close out the day our panel session was led by Brian Collins (UCL), Patrick Godfrey (Bristol University), Chris Millard (Laing O’Rourke), Hillary Sillitto (Sillitto Enterprises) and Nabil Abou-Rahme (Mott Macdonald).


To get involved in our next event, or to learn more please contact us at