Imperial College London

Dr Maija Maskuniitty

Faculty of MedicineNational Heart & Lung Institute

ADVANCE Operations Manager







Emmanuel Kaye BuildingRoyal Brompton Campus





Maija obtained a PhD in Chemical Biology from the Institute of Chemical Biology (ICB) at Imperial College where her work focused on studying a protease from the foot-and-mouth disease virus using single-molecule fluorescence techniques. Following from this, she worked as a project manager at the ICB, before moving to NHLI in February 2014.

Since May 2017 Maija has been Centre Manager for the National Centre for Mesothelioma Research (NCMR). The Centre was initiated in 2016 and is a collaborative structure involving NHLI, the Royal Brompton and Royal Marsden Hospitals and the Institute for Cancer Research (ICR). She also works as Operations Manager in the ADVANCE Study, which investigates the long-term physical and psychosocial outcomes of battlefield casualties from the UK Armed Forces.