Imperial College London


Faculty of Natural SciencesDepartment of Physics

Academic Visitor



h.dhar Website




Electrical EngineeringSouth Kensington Campus






Zens M, Krimer DO, Dhar HS, et al., 2021, Periodic Cavity State Revivals from Atomic Frequency Combs, Physical Review Letters, Vol:127, ISSN:0031-9007

Dhar HS, Zuo Z, Rodrigues JD, et al., 2021, Quest for vortices in photon condensates, Physical Review A, Vol:104, ISSN:2469-9926

Nyman RA, Dhar HS, Rodrigues JD, et al., 2021, Phase transitions of light in a dye-filled microcavity: observations and simulations, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol:1919, ISSN:1742-6588, Pages:012006-012006

Rodrigues JD, Dhar HS, Walker BT, et al., 2021, Learning the Fuzzy Phases of Small Photonic Condensates, Physical Review Letters, Vol:126, ISSN:0031-9007

Dhar HS, Rodrigues JD, Walker BT, et al., 2020, Transport and localization of light inside a dye-filled microcavity, Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Vol:102, ISSN:1050-2947, Pages:1-9

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