Imperial College London


Faculty of MedicineDepartment of Brain Sciences

Professor of Mental Health Research



+44 (0)20 3313 4161m.crawford




Ms Nicole Hickey +44 (0)20 3313 4161




Commonwealth BuildingHammersmith Campus





I am a Professor of Mental Health Research in the Division of Psychiatry and an Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist at Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust. In 2019, I was appointed an NIHR Senior Investigator.

My research focuses on the development and evaluation of interventions for people with mental health problems. A major focus of my work has been on developing better services for people with a diagnosis of ‘personality disorder’. This includes a national evaluation of community pilot services for people with personality disorder and randomised trials of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Problem Solving Therapy and Structured Psychological Support. I have worked with colleagues to examine the role peer support groups, day therapeutic communities and parenting interventions for people with personality disorder. Our randomised trials medical treatments for emotional distress experienced by people with personality disorder have found little evidence of patient benefit.  

I have also examined the effectiveness of arts therapies for people with psychosis, brief interventions for people with harmful alcohol use and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for people with health anxiety. Current studies include randomised trials of low-intensity interventions for people with personality disorder and CBT for people with severe COVID anxiety. My research involves close collaboration with experts by experience and I have worked with users of metal health services to evaluate service innovations and develop national standards for assessing and improving service quality.  

As an Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist at Central & North West London NHS Foundation Trust, I helped set up the Trust’s first specialist service for people with personality disorder and am the Clinical Lead for the Trusts Complex Emotional Needs Pathway. I also provide medical input the Trust’s Acute Care Pathway.



Yirmiya K, Constantinou M, Simes E, et al., 2024, The mediating role of reflective functioning and general psychopathology in the relationship between childhood conduct disorder and adult aggression among offenders, Psychological Medicine, ISSN:0033-2917

Rickett MC, Kingstone T, Gupta V, et al., 2024, Collaboration across the primary/specialist interface in early intervention in psychosis services: a qualitative study, British Journal of General Practice, ISSN:0960-1643

Crawford MJ, King JD, McQuaid A, et al., 2024, Severe COVID anxiety among adults in the United Kingdom: cohort study and nested feasibility trial, Bmc Psychiatry, Vol:24, ISSN:1471-244X

King JD, McQuaid A, Leeson VC, et al., 2024, Characterising subgroups of people with severe COVID anxiety by latent profile analysis, Journal of Affective Disorders, Vol:344, ISSN:0165-0327, Pages:115-121

Schlief M, Rich N, Rains LS, et al., 2023, Ethnic differences in receipt of psychological interventions in Early Intervention in Psychosis services in England - a cross-sectional study., Psychiatry Res, Vol:330

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