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Saggu R, Barlow P, Butler J, Ghaem-Maghami S, Hughes C, Lagergren P, McGregor A, Shaw C, Wells Met al., 2022, Considerations for mulitmodal prehabilitation in women with gynaecological cancers: a scoping review using realist principles, BMC Women's Health, Vol: 22, Pages: 1-35, ISSN: 1472-6874

Background: There is increasing recognition that prehabilitation is important as a means of preparing patients physically and psychologically for cancer treatment. However, little is understood about the role and optimal nature of prehabilitation for gynaecological cancer patients, who usually face extensive and life-changing surgery in addition to other treatments that impact significantly on physiological and psychosexual wellbeing. Review question: This scoping review was conducted to collate the research evidence on multimodal prehabilitation in gynaecological cancers and the related barriers and facilitators to engagement and delivery that should be considered when designing a prehabilitation intervention for this group of women. Methods: Seven medical databases and four grey literature repositories were searched from database inception to September 2021. All articles, reporting on multimodal prehabilitation in gynaecological cancers were included in the final review, whether qualitative, quantitative or mixed-methods. Qualitative on unimodal interventions were also included, as these were thought to be more likely to include information about barriers and facilitators which could also be relevant to multimodal interventions. A realist framework of context, mechanism and outcome was used to assist interpretation of findings. Results: In total, 24 studies were included in the final review. The studies included the following tumour groups: ovarian only (n=12), endometrial only (n=1), mixed ovarian, endometrial, vulvar (n=5) and non-specific gynaecological tumours (n=6). There was considerable variation across studies in terms of screening for prehabilitation, delivery of prehabilitation and outcome measures. Key mechanisms and contexts influencing engagement with prehabilitation can be summarised as: 1) The role of healthcare professionals and organisations 2) Patients’ perceptions of acceptability 3) Factors influencing patient motivation 4) Prehabilita

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