We are always on the lookout for excellent students, researchers and visitors to join the lab, and in return we can offer a supportive environment, lots of biscuits, and a lab full of scary-looking lasers.

Current vacancies

Postdocs: There are two positions open for candidates working on optical instrumentation (designing, building, aligning, automating and programming). The first project is to develop an optical method for mapping out the distribution of fluorescent cells in a bioreactor. Details here! The second is to make the world’s fastest streaming camera, to watch oscillating microbubbles as they penetrate the blood-brain barrier. The advert will be posted soon. As always, interested candidates can email c.rowlands@imperial.ac.uk to answer any questions. Good luck with the weapons-grade spam filter we appear to operate.


PhD studentship: We have recently obtained funding for a PhD in using reprogrammable microfluidics to synthesize custom pharmaceuticals (the application process is through a Center for Doctoral Training and the link is here; the project is called "The Computerized Chemist: Building an automated microfluidic reactor for the optimization of challenging organic transformations". If you have questions about the project, and you're one of today's lucky contestants who makes it through the spam filter, you can email c.rowlands@imperial.ac.uk.


PhD studentship: The Rowlands Lab has a PhD studentship available to outstanding candidates, in any field of research supported by the lab, starting in October 2023. Please contact c.rowlands@imperial.ac.uk if you are interested.


Research Associate in Optical Instrument Construction


Suggested funding sources

Rather than waiting for positions to become available, prospective students and postdocs are always welcome to arrange their own funding. Some potential sources are listed below:

PhD Studentships

The Imperial College President's Scholarships are extremely competitive, and usually open for applicants in August.

There is also a very helpful search tool built by the college which can help you find a scholarship.

Fellowships and Research Associates

The Wellcome Trust offers Sir Henry Wellcome fellowships that are very competitive, but as a former Wellcome Fellow (on a now-obsolete scheme) Dr Rowlands will happily vouch for Wellcome Trust as a thoroughly wonderful and supportive bunch of people.

Other opportunities have been helpfully collated by the college, and can be found here.

Contact details

Email: c.rowlands@imperial.ac.uk

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7594 1331

Department of Bioengineering
Royal School of Mines
Imperial College London