From papers

The mtFRC software is available as an ImageJ plugin on GitHub.

Bruns O.T., Bischof T.S., Harris D.K., Shi Y., Riedemann L., Bartelt A., Jaworski F.B., Franke D., Carr J.A., Rowlands C.J., Wilson M.W.B., Chen O., Wei H., Hwang G.W., Montana D., Coropceanu I., Kloepper J., Heeren J., So P.T.C., Fukumura D., Jensen K.F., Jain R.K. and Bawendi M.G.: ‘Next generation in vivo optical imaging with short-wave infrared quantum dots’, Nature Biomedical Engineering, 1:0056, 2017

The paper can be found here.

The code is available on GitHub.

Rowlands C.J., Bruns O.T., Bawendi M.G and So P.T.C.: ‘Objective, comparative assessment of the penetration depth of temporal-focusing microscopy for imaging various organs’, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 20(6):061107, 2015

The paper can be found here.

I've not managed to figure out how to host code on an Imperial server yet, so until I do, you're just going to have to ask nicely.

Rowlands C.J. and Elliott S.R.: 'Denoising of Spectra With No User Input: A Spline-Smoothing Algorithm',  Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 42(3):370-376, 2011

The paper can be found here.

I don't know how to host code on Imperial College servers yet, so in the meantime you'll just have to ask nicely.

Rowlands C.J. and Elliott S.R.: 'Robust Automated Algorithm for Baseline Subtraction in Spectra ', Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 42(3):363-369, 2011

This paper can be found here.

I don't know how to host code on Imperial College servers, so in the meantime you'll just have to ask nicely.

Rowlands C.J. and Elliott S.R.: 'Improved Blind-Source Separation for Spectra', Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 42(9):1761-1768, 2011

The paper can be found here.

I don't yet know how to host code on Imperial College servers, so in the meantime you'll just have to ask nicely.

Currently under review

The pre-print can be found here.

The code is being prepared for publication, but a pre-release version can be found here.

Thank you for your interest; we are collating the software and data for this paper so until we get it uploaded, please contact us directly to get a copy.

Other resources

This hasn't been published yet, but if you ask nicely you can probably have a copy of the code as long as you don't share it until after the publication.

Contact details


Telephone: +44 (0)20 7594 1331

Department of Bioengineering
Royal School of Mines
Imperial College London