SCOPE (Self-sensing Curved composite panel under Operational load: methodology Platform for prediction of damage Event, SP1-JTI-CS-2012-03, Cleansky I, GRA, 400k€): The outcome of SCOPE was development of an SHM methodology platform, for impact and damage detection for curved fuselage panels under real load conditions. The platform was able to detect BVID and VID on sensorised fuselage panels. Different SHM methodologies were developed based on piezoelectric transducers and Fibre Optic sensors.

The SCOPE platform has the following features:

  • Nonlinear FE methodologies to accurately simulate sensing and actuating in real-time under real dynamic load conditions;
  • Passive sensing methodologies to detect and identify various impact events which are likely to occur during service life of aircraft;
  • Active sensing techniques based on Lamb wave and Electromechanical Impedance to detect and characterise damage;
  • An optimisation algorithm resulting in optimum sensor layout (i.e. number and location) using sensor data from SMART FE simulations;
  • A robust and reliable sensor system by utilising “SMART sensor” models with self-diagnostic properties to reduce the Probability of False Alarm;
  • Full non-linear impact analysis incorporating damage models for advanced composite to identify damage development and propagation

