Acoustic Noise Propagation:

We are investigating ways to reduce population exposure to aircraft noise near airports. The noise generated by an aircraft flight is quite complex. The sound sources can be broadly attributed to: combustor noise, turbomachinery noise, and aerodynamic noise (due to rapid air movement over the airframe and control surfaces).

So far our team have successfully developed a sound propagation model to predict the acoustic propagation patterns. Our mathematical formulations  is capable of solving accurately large scale acoustic problems.  In particular, our newly developed adaptive cross approximation boundary element formulation developed has resulted in significant speed up of solution times, hence allowing for large scale acoustic models to be analysed more readily than previously possible.


Active Noise & Vibration control:

In a research in collaboration with CIRA (Italy) we have aimed for the Human-centered-design approach to enable future design guideline for passengers and crew cabin environment. The aim was to control structural-borne and airborne noise of cabin by minimizing the noise transmitted through the fuselage. In particular we have looked to Improved cabin ambience and comfort:

- Lower cabin noise and vibration levels

- Environmental friendly and multifunctional materials

- Tools for evaluating passenger comfort

- Thermal comfort and air quality 

Our team in collaboration with engineers from CIRA have so far developed the following:

  • Numerical modeling of the Multi-layer Active Window including the acoustic medium
  • Radiated Sound Power and structural radiation efficiency predictions
  • Design and Implementation of a MIMO control algorithm in a Real-time DSP control board
  • Vibro-acoustic experiments on a ref. facility
  • Sound Intensimetry in anechoic chamber
  • SPL reduction up to 15.07 dB by the developed experimental ANC system

