Share your professional view

Industry professionals who wish to share their knowledge and practical experience through invited lecturers or as visiting professors are welcome.

Contact: Professor Dan Graham

The Centre for Transport Engineering and Modelling (CTEM) enjoys strong links with industry, with outside experts contributing to research and teaching. MSc and PhD alumni hold key positions in transport and engineering consultancies worldwide.

The MSc courses available are reviewed and accredited by bodies such as the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation. The applied nature of these courses is aided by industrial experts’ contributions to teaching and seminar series.

Past and present research projects have included collaboration with industrial partners such as BP, NATS and Transport for London. Close working with such world-leading organisations helps to ensure that the research outputs of the Centre remain relevant to practical problems in transportation.

Academic staff are available for consultancy work and as expert witnesses. Please contact the appropriate member of staff directly, or visit the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering consultancy pages for general information.

Contact us

Centre for Transport Engineering and Modelling
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ - UK

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6100