Accordion - People

Photo Details

Panagiotis Angeloudis

Professor of Transport Systems and Logistics, PhD, DIC, ACGI
Director of MSc Course in Transport 

Design of urban infrastructure; Port operations; Urban construction logistics; Disaster response; Network reliability; Transport resilience; Maritime transport.

Sergio Batista

Lecturer, PhD
Traffic Flow Theory, Network modeling and travel behavior, Optimization, Sustainable transportation and climate change

Jose Escribano

Lecturer, PhD
Humanitarian logistics; Stochastic optimization; Air traffic management and control; Unmanned aerial system; Evacuation

Dan Graham 

Professor of Statistical Modelling, PhD
Head of the Centre for Transport Engineering and Modelling
Statistical modelling; Causal inference; Spatial statistics; Transport economics and modelling.

Fangce Guo

Research Fellow, PhD
Short-term traffic prediction.
Email Fangce

Arnab Majumdar 

Professor of Transport Risk and Safety, PhD, CEng
Aviation and railway safety analysis; Environmental impacts of aviation; Terminal and En-route Airspace capacity estimation methods; Human performance analysis in transport, e.g. workload and fatigue; Pilot and air traffic controller error analysis; Human reliability analysis in railways; Human behavior in mass evacuation.

Washington Ochieng 

Chair in Positioning and Navigation Systems, BSc, MSc, PhD, FREng, CEng, FICE, FRIN, FInstCES, FCIHT
Head of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
Co-Director of the College’s Institute for Security Science and Technology (ISST) 

Positioning, Navigation and timing (PNT) systems; Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Geomatics; Geodesy; Air traffic Management and Control (ATM/ATC); Structural integrity monitoring; Geographical Information Systems (GIS) applications.

Jacek Pawlak

Research Fellow, PhD
Transport demand and travel behaviour modelling; Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and travel behaviour; digital time use and connectivity; travel time use; productivity; valuation of travel time savings; big data enrichment methods and applications.
Email Jacek

Mohammed Quddus

Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems, PhD DIC FHEA
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), Safety analytics and modelling, Motorway operations and simulation, Applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning in transport

Aruna Sivakumar

Professor of Consumer Demand Modelling and Urban Systems, PhD
Chair of the Equality, Diversity and Departmental Culture (EDDC) committee
Tutor for Women

Travel behaviour and demand modelling; Econometrics and discrete choice; Urban energy systems and modelling end user demand; Integrated urban models; Modelling urban freight.

Marc Stettler

Professor of Transport and the Environment, PhD
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Environmental impacts of transport; Emissions modelling and measurement; Air quality; Environmental impacts of aviation; Alternative fuels; Emissions control technologies.
Transport Academics A-Z
Transport Academics A-Z

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Nadine Alam

Research Analyst, (TSC)
Email Nadine

Mamon Alghananim

Research Associate
Autonomous navigation using GNSS and multi sensor integration 
Email Mamon

Richard Anderson

Director of Railway and Transport Strategy Centre (TSC)
Metro operations; Railway engineering; Public transport strategy and planning; Benchmarking and performance; Transport planning; Transport economics; Public transport regulation; Management of international research projects.
Email Richard

Anupriya Anupriya

Research Associate
Monitoring transportation systems/ networks to understand and anticipate the impact of rare and high consequence events such as COVID; Development and application data science methods and models to big data to identify opportunities for improvement in the operation, planning and design of transportation systems; Development and application of causal inference methods to identify determinants for intervention and forecast impacts.
Email Anupriya

Alexander Barron

Associate Director, Head of Metro Benchmarking (TSC)
Public transport benchmarking; Public transport operations; Public transport planning; Bus benchmarking; Metro benchmarking; Suburban rail benchmarking; Urban transport reliability; Benchmarking project management.
Email Alexander

Mateo Bartra

Transport Analyst
Regional and international performance benchmarking of bus and light rail.
Email Mateo

Saloua Benami

Transport Analyst
High-quality benchmarking and case study of international public transport consortia, with a particular focus on BOLTS, the newly founded international light-rail benchmarking group.
Email Saloua

Fatih Canitez

Research Associate (TSC)
Public transport systems; performance management and measurement in public transport systems; urban transport policies; electric bus operations; contracting and governance models in public bus industry.
Email Fatih

Benjamin Condry

Associate Director, Head of Railway Benchmarking (TSC)
Public transport; Railways; Metros; Buses; Benchmarking; Transport economics and management; Transport operations; Transport policy and regulation; Transport planning; Demand forecasting; Reliability.
Email Benjamin

Oscar Criado Domenech

Senior Research Associate (TSC)
Asset management; airport benchmarking. 
Email Oscar

Abigail Edgeworth

Senior Transport Analyst
Modernisation of TSC output using sophisticated analytical techniques and visualisations.
Email Abigail

Ahmadreza Faghih Imani

Research Associate
Travel behaviour and demand modeling, Active transportation, Integrated land-use/transport modeling, Urban energy systems​
Email Ahmadreza

Jonathan Itcovitz

Research Assistant
Modelling and validation of contrail formation and evolution; Strategies for the mitigation of contrail climate impacts
Email Jonathan

Nicholas Findlay 

Performance Analytics Manager/Senior Research Associate (TSC)
Technical lead for big data analytics and metrics development
Email Nicholas

Colin Foley

Senior Research Associate (TSC)
Large-scale transportation improvement programs; Environmental Review for large-scale transportation projects, Alternatives analyses studies; Operational analyses of bus, rail and road projects.
Email Colin

Daniel Horcher

Research Associate, PhD
The economics of public transport supply; statistical analysis of large-scale automated transport data 
Email Daniel

David Huffaker

Managing Associate
Email David

Sally Kao

Research Associate (TSC)
Metro operation and benchmarking projects
Email Sally

Tang Li

Research Associate, PhD
Modelling the mixed traffic flow of Autonomous Vehicles and Human-Driven Vehicle, Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), Vehicle to Grid (V2G), Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Stated Preference (SP) experiments, Discrete Choice Models (DCM), Virtual Reality (VR), Urban Railway System and Urban Systems.
Email Tang

Liang Ma

Research Associate, PhD
Causal impacts of transport interventions on air quality and public health; causal inference; data centric engineering
Email Liang

Magdalena Misiewicz

Senior Transport Analyst
Benchmarking for the Community of Metros (COMET) group.

Vishnu Mohanakumar Jaya

Senior Transport Analyst
Email Vishnu

Lindsey Morse

Research Associate, Benchmarking Manager (TSC)
Public transport benchmarking and best practices; public transport planning; buses.
Email Lindsey

Deborah Mundy

Research Associate (TSC)
International benchmarking (metros, suburban railways, buses); Public transport performance analysis and benchmarking; Transport planning; Urban planning.
Email Deborah

Carmen Oleksinski 

Research Associate (TSC)
Benchmarking of transit systems around the world, particularly in the areas of Key Performance Indicators, station design, and customer satisfaction.
Email Carmen

Leandro Parada

Started Nov 2023
Advanced mathematical modeling and efficient algorithms for Port and Maritime operations.
Supervised by: Angeloudis, P.
Email Leandro

Tim Powell

Research Associate (TSC)
Public transport benchmarking projects
Email Tim

Kethan Reddy

Research Associate, PhD
Evaluating & validating autonomous vehicle safety by generating edge-case scenarios and bridging the simulation-to-reality gap. Currently working on the DeepSafe Project; stakeholders include dRISK, Claytex, rfPro, DG Cities
Email Reddy

Henry Reynolds

Research Analyst - Public Transport
Email Henry

John Sing-Key

Senior Research Analyst (TSC)
Benchmarking analytics for the International Bus Benchmarking Group (IBBG) and the American Bus Benchmarking Group (ABBG)
Email John

Alice Saunders

Senior Transport Analyst
Community of Metros (COMET) benchmarking group
Email Alice

Roger Teoh

Research Associate, PhD
Aviation and climate change, with the aim to evaluate and mitigate the climate impact of aviation emissions and contrail cirrus
Email Roger 

Mark Trompet

Associate Director, Head of Bus and Light Rail Benchmarking (TSC)
Bus benchmarking program manager (International Bus Benchmarking Group and the American Bus Benchmarking Group; Performance benchmarking methodology; International project management; Urban bus operations; Service regularity; Public transport economics; Public transport regulation and policy.
Email Mark

Priya Wells

Research Associate
Factors that influence metro success through detailed case studies of 11 major international metro operators.
Email Priya

Haobo Yang

Senior Research Analyst, (TSC)
Email Haobo

Raphael Yzopt

Transport Analyst
Benchmarking and the diffusion of best practices of different public transport consortia, with a particular focus on GOAL, a forum for light rail agencies in the United States and Canada.

Nan Zhang

Academic Research
Using large-scale transport data to analyse the disruption impact on urban metro systems.
Email Nan
Transport Research Staff A-Z
Transport Academics A-Z
Photo Details
 Alessandra Abeille

Alessandra Abeille

Started Oct 2017 [PhD pending]
An interdisciplinary framework for disaggregate assessment of productivity and well-being impacts of digital technologies on knowledge workers in nontraditional settings (ITINERANT)
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.; Pawlak, J; Polak, J.
Email Alessandra
 Fahmy Adan

Fahmy Adan

How explainable AI can be used for next generation traffic management for autonomous vehicles
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.
Email Adan
 Ibtihal Ahmed

Ibtihal Ahmed

Started Nov 2019
The working title of the project: Smart mobility in sustainable cities
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.
Email Ibtihal

Niki Boyce

Started Jun 2023
Enabling the zero responder: The effectiveness of long-term pre-incident public education in facilitating adaptive response during mass casualty emergencies.
Supervised by: Majumdar, A.
Email Niki
 Ashley Brooks

Ashley Brooks

Started Oct 2015
Novel approaches to provide optimum urban resilience in the presence of multiple threats - Development of robust and resilient positioning, navigation and timing solutions
As part of the CDT in Sustainable Civil Engineering
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.
Email Ashley

Bowen Cai

Started Dec 2020
Predicting hazardous traffic conditions in real-time using video analytics and deep learning
Supervised by: Quddus, M. 
Email Bowen

Léah Camarcat

Started Oct 2022
Developing a new collision avoidance model for connected and autonomous vehicles
Supervised by: Quddus, M. 
Email Léah
Eduardo Candela Garza

Eduardo Candela Garza

Started Oct 2019
Efficient algorithms for the identification of safety edge-cases in Autonomous Vehicle Control Systems
Supervised by: Angeloudis, P.; Demiris, Y.
Email Eduardo
 Kailin Chen

Kailin Chen

Started Oct 2020
Modelling flight delay propagation in multi-airport system
Supervised by: Graham, D.J.Bansal, P.
Email Kailin

Zhihe Chen

Started Oct 2023
Assessing the impacts of climate change on the physiology and safety of motorcyclists
Supervised by: Majumdar, A.Stettler, MEJ.
Email Zhihe
He-in Cheong

He-in Cheong

Started Oct 2018
Holistic modelling of evacuation in urban infrastructure systems
As part of the CDT in Sustainable Civil Engineering
Supervised by: Majumdar, A.Ochieng, W.
Email He-in
Petrina Constantinou

Petrina Constantinou

Started Oct 2018
Multi-sensor data fusion for autonomous vehicle situational awareness
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.
Email Petrina
 Tobie Cusson

Tobie Cusson

Started Jan 2021
The Role of High Speed Rail in Levelling-up the Spatial Economy
Supervised by: Graham, D.J.Horcher, D.
Email Tobie
 Jean Marc Feghali

Jean Marc Feghali

Started Oct 2019
Assessing and Improving the Mobility and Evacuation Performance of the Visually Impaired
Supervisors: Majumdar, A.Ochieng, W.
Email Jean Marc

Cheng Feng

Started Oct 2022
PNT infrastructure in smart cities
Supervisors: Ochieng, W.
Email Cheng

Supraja Hariharan

Started Dec 2022
Causal impacts of urban surface transport interventions on carbon emissions
Supervised by: Quddus, M. 
Email Supraja
Rob Houghton

Rob Houghton

Started May 2018
Developing a framework to assess wearable technology in complex industry
As part of the CDT in Sustainable Civil Engineering
Supervised by: Majumdar, A.
Email Rob
Peeranut Jeammaneeporn

Peeranut Jeammaneeporn

Started Jan 2017
Integration of Big-Data analytics with traffic controls and management
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.
Email Peeranut
 Nina Jirouskova

Nina Jirouskova

Started Oct 2014 [submitted]
Quantitative Assessment of Container Terminal Operational Recovery from Natural Disasters
As part of the CDT in Sustainable Civil Engineering
Supervised by: Angeloudis, P.
Email Nina

Paraskevi Koliou

Started Feb 2022
A traffic microsimulation study of Vehicle-to-Vehicle connectivity for real-time traffic incident management on motorways 
Supervised by: Quddus, M. 
Email Paraskevi

Jia Ming Li

Started Feb 2023
Application of Machine Learning as a benchmarking tool
Supervised by: Graham, D.J.
Email Jia Ming
 Lintong Li

Lintong Li

Started Sep 2019
Machine learning based Integrity monitoring in built environments
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.
Email Lintong

Val Yunhao Li

Started Sept 2023
Optimisation benchmark for airport security
Supervised by: Chana, D.; Ochieng, W.
Email Yunhao
 Yubin Liu

Yubin Liu

Started Jan 2020
The application of autonomous technologies in urban logistics 
Supervised by: Angeloudis, P.
Email Yubun
Francis Long

Francis Long

Started Oct 2016
Human Behaviour in Mass Evacuations
Supervised by: Majumdar, A.
Email Francis

Kenta Matsui

Started Oct 2023
Fleet control system for autonomous vehicles in mining environment
Supervised by: Angeloudis, P.
Email Kenta
 Rafael Maldonado Hinarejo

Rafael Maldonado Hinarejo

Started Oct 2013
Behavioural dynamics and traveller learning 
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.; Polak, J. 
Email Rafael
Hanyu Meng

Hanyu Meng

Started October 2019
Simultaneous localisation and mapping for safety and security critical autonomous vehicle situational awareness
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.
Email Hanyu
Saeed Mohammad

Saeed Mohammad

Started Jan 2018
Identifying and solving economic challenges in public transport using Big Data 
Supervised by: Graham, D.J.Anderson, R.J.
Email Saeed

Elias Nassif

Started June 2021
Towards a multi-level optimisation, management, and control for connected and autonomous vehicles
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.Sivakumar, A.Quddus, M.
Email Elias

Surabhi Ojha 

Started Nov 2022
Agglomeration benefits of public transit 
Supervised by: Graham, D.J.
Email Surabhi 

Leandro Parada

Started Nov 2023
Advanced mathematical modeling and efficient algorithms for Port and Maritime operations.
Supervised by: Angeloudis, P.
Email Leandro
 Napameth Phantawesak

Napameth Phantawesak

Started Nov 2018 [Part-time]
Efficacy of heavy-duty vehicle retrofit systems to reduce air quality and climate impacts 
Supervised by: Stettler, MEJ.
Email Napameth
 Jingshuo Qiu

Jingshuo Qiu

Started Jan 2021
Driver-centric advanced parking solutions for smart and sustainable cities
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.
Email Jingshuo
 Pooja Selena Rao

Pooja Selena Rao

Started Oct 2021
Operational and travel behavior impacts of shared automated electric vehicles (SAEVs) in a post pandemic era.
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.
Email Pooja
 Manlika Sukitpaneenit

Manlika Sukitpaneenit

Started Apr 2018
Development of vehicle emission and air dispersion model for Southeast Asia cities
Supervised by: Stettler, MEJ. 
Email Manlika
Cheng-Yu Tsai

Cheng-Yu Tsai

Started Oct 2019
A framework to assess the effectiveness of wearable technologies in complex operations
Supervised by: Majumdar, A.
Email Cheng-Yu
Han Wang

Han Wang

Started Oct 2019
Transferability in transportation and buildings/ real time OD estimation and prediction
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.; Guo, F.; Krishnan, R.
Email Han
Martin Wang

Martin Wang

Started July 2020
Integrated modelling and optimisation of mobility as a service in urban areas
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.
Email Martin

Peizheng Wang

Started Oct 2022
A holistic framework to assess air traffic controller workload
Supervised by: Majumdar, A.
Email Peizheng
Amy Wilson

Amy Wilson

Started Oct 2018
Reducing the impact of nanoparticle emissions during concrete production and recycling
Supervised by: Stettler, MEJ.Wong, H.S.Fowler, G.D.
Email Amy 

Zhengyu Vincent Wu

Started Nov 2022
Detection of unsafe human-vehicle interactions using next-generation computer vision algorithms and behavioural modelling for safe construction site operations
Supervised by: Angeloudis, P.; Demiris, Y.; Majumdar, A.
Email Zhengyu
Xiangmin Yang

Xiangmin Yang

Started Jan 2021
Infrastructure resilience
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.
Email Xiangmin

Yuan Xuan

Started Oct 2021
Analysis of drivers' risk perception types based on eye movement data
Supervised by: Majumdar, A.
Email Yuan
Xuehao Zhai

Xuehao Zhai

Started Oct 2020
Interpretable Deep learning for transportation
Supervised by: 
Email Xuehao
Keyang Zhang

Keyang Zhang

Started Jan 2022
Game Theoretic Analysis of Future Mobility Deployments
Supervised by: Angeloudis, P.; Escribano Macias, J. 
Email Keyang

Tianyu Zhao

Started Feb 2022
Cooperative mission assignment and trajectory planning for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.
Email Tianyu
Transport Research Students A-Z
Transport Academics A-Z
Ruth Bello

Maya Mistry

MSc Cluster Administrator, Centre for Transport Engineering and Modelling
Room 405, +44 (0)207 594 6100, Email Maya
Professional Services Staff
Research Group Administrators

The Centre for Transport Engineering and Modelling works closely with staff across Imperial College on a range of different projects, details of which can be found below and through the research pages.


Barria, Javier

Reader in Intelligent Systems and Networks, PhD
Intelligent Systems and Networks Group
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Personal Research Pages   

Brandon, Nigel

Director of the Energy Futures Lab 
Professor of Sustainable Development in Energy, OBE, FREng
Energy Futures Lab
Department of Earth Science and Engineering
Personal Research Pages

Burton, Andrew

Programme Manager, Institute for Security Science and Technology, PhD
Institute for Security Science and Technology
Department of Computing
Personal Research Pages 

Christensen, Kim

Professor of Theoretical Physics, PhD, MSc
Condensed Matter Theory Group
Department of Physics
Personal Research Pages 

Darlington, John

Professor of Mobile Applications, PhD
The London e-Science Centre
Department of Computing
Personal Research Pages 

Fisk, David

Director of Laing O'Rourke Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation
Professor of Systems Engineering and Innovation 
Laing O'Rourke Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Personal Research Pages 

Gann, David

Chair in Innovation and Technology Management, CBE, CEng, FICE
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group
Imperial College Business School
Personal Research Pages 

Green, Tim

Deputy Head of Department, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Professor of Power Engineering
Control and Power Group
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Personal Research Pages 

Guo, Yi-Ke

Professor of Computing Science
Data Mining Group
Department of Computing
Personal Research Pages 

Hankin, Chris

Director, Institute for Security Science and Technology, PhD
Professor of Computing Science
Institute for Security Science and Technology
Department of Computing
Personal Research Pages 

Hassard, John

Reader in Physics
Department of Physics
Personal Research Pages 

Jensen, Henrik

Professor of Mathematical Physics
Department of Mathematics
Personal Research Pages 

Leung, Kin

Tanaka Chair in Internet Technology, PhD, MSc, BSc
Communications and Signal Processing Group
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Department of Computing
Personal Research Pages 

Macchietto, Sandro

Professor of Process Systems Engineering
Centre for Process Systems Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology
Personal Research Pages 

Martinez-Botas, Ricardo

Professor of Turbo-Machinery, DPhil, MEng
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Personal Research Pages 

McCann, Julie

Reader in Computer Systems
Distributed Software Engineering Group
Department of Computing
Personal Research Pages 

Mitcheson, Paul

Senior Lecturer, PhD, MEng
Control and Power Group
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Personal Research Pages 

Pain, Christopher

Professorial Research Fellow
Applied Modelling and Computing Group
Department of Earth Science and Engineering
Personal Research Pages 

Pistikopoulos, Stratos

Professor of Chemical Engineering, PhD
Centre for Process Systems Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology
Personal Research Pages 

Pitt, Jeremy

Reader in Intelligent Systems, PhD
Intelligent Systems and Networks Group
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Personal Research Pages 

Robinson, Paul

Reader in Mechanics of Composites, PhD, MSc
Composites Centre
Department of Aeronautics
Personal Research Pages 

Rustem, Berc

Professor of Computational Methods in Operations Research
Quantitative Analysis and Decision Science Group
Department of Computing
Personal Research Pages 

Sevdalis, Nick

Senior Lecturer
Division of Surgery
Faculty of Medicine
Personal Research Pages 

Shah, Nilay

Professor of Process Systems Engineering, PhD
Centre for Process Systems Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology
Personal Research Pages 

Stoianov, Ivan

Lecturer, PhD, MSc, DIC
Environmental and Water Resource Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Personal Research Pages 

Strbac, Goran

Chair in Electrical Energy Systems
Control and Power Group
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Personal Research Pages 

Templer, Richard

Director of UK Co-Location Centre for Climate KIC
Hofmann Chair in Chemistry

Porter Institute
Department of Chemistry
Personal Research Pages 

Toumazou, Christofer

Director and Chief Scientist, Research Director Bionics
Winston Wong Chair, Biomedical Circuits

Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Bioengineering 
Personal Research Pages 

Yeatman, Eric

Deputy Head of Department, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Professor of Microengineering, FREng
Optical and Semiconductor Devices Group
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Personal Research Pages 
Summary of the table's contents


NameTitle and supervisor
Awad, Farah Benchmarking the performance of mass transit systems via panel statistical modelling and machine learning techniques
Supervised by: Graham, D.J.
Hou, Heather Understanding building and urban environment interactions: An integrated framework for building occupancy modelling
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.
Kim, In-Chan Analysis of the distribution of financial benefits of BEV integrated residential energy systems: Integration including optimal charging scheduling and energy management of BEV and residential energy demands
As part of the CDT in Sustainable Civil Engineering
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.
Jagtap, Swapnil Sarjerao Evaluation of technology and energy vector combinations for decarbonising future subsonic long-range aircraft
Supervised by: Stettler, MEJ.
Singh, Abhilash Endogeneity and consideration-set issues in residential location choice models
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.
Ye, Qiming Modelling urban street configurations for autonomous vehicle flows
Supervised by: Angeloudis, P.Stettler, MEJ. 


NameTitle and supervisor
Alghananim, Ma'mon Error characterisation and overbounding for mission-critical applications
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.
Feghali, Jean Marc Function to functional: Investigating the fundamental human, environmental, and technological factors affecting the mobility of visually impaired people
Supervised by: Majumdar, A.Ochieng, W.
Huang, Mingyang Trajectory modelling and execution for multi-unmanned aerial vehicle applications
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.
Li, Tang  Modelling mixed traffic flow of autonomous vehicles and human-driven vehicles 
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.; Polak, J.; Guo, F. 
Ma, Liang Causal impacts of transport interventions on air quality
Supervised by: Stettler, MEJ.
Maldonado Hinarejos, Rafael Unobserved Heterogeneity in Discrete Choice Models of Car Ownership: A dynamic framework for medium to long term choice behaviour
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.; Polak, J. 
Xuto, Praj Optimal capital planning and long-term funding for urban rail organisations
Supervised by: Graham, D.J.Anderson, R.J.
Yin, Suwan Integrated and joint optimisation of runway-taxiway-apron operations on airport surface 
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.
Zhang, Nan Disruption analytics in urban metro systems with large-scale automated data
Supervised by: Graham, D.J.Anderson, R.J.


NameTitle and supervisor
Anupriya, Anupriya Understanding the costs of urban transportation using causal inference methods
Supervised by: Graham, D.J.
Bateman, Georgia A holistic model of emergency evacuations in large, complex, public occupancy buildings
As part of the CDT in Sustainable Civil Engineering
Supervised by: Majumdar, A.
Escribano Macias, Jose Javier Optimisation of humanitarian response using unmanned aerial vehicles
As part of the CDT in Sustainable Civil Engineering
Supervised by: Angeloudis, P.
Karamanis, Renos Operational research and simulation methods for autonomous ride-sourcing
As part of the CDT in Sustainable Civil Engineering
Supervised by: Stettler, MEJ. 
Le Cornec, Clemence Real-world variability, modelling and mitigation of road transport emissions
Supervised by: Stettler, MEJ.van Reeuwijk, M.
McBeath, Sean Electrochemical generation of oxidants for drinking water treatment
Supervised by: Graham, D.J.
Shipman, Alastair A generalised ,methodology for the investigation of human behavioural responses to hostile attacks
As part of the CDT in Sustainable Civil Engineering
Supervised by: Majumdar, A
Song, Jun Urban air pollution modelling with machine learning using fixed and mobile sensors
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.
Xu, Shiming Surrogate model for real time signal control: theories and applications
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.
Yang, Yu Road network maintenance and repair considering day-to-day traffic dynamics and transient congestion
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.
Zhao, Yuanying Inverse discrete choice modelling: a framework for socio-demographic enrichment of big data
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.; Polak, J.


NameTitle and supervisor
Goldbeck, Nils Analysing the Resilience of interdependent infrastructure systems with network flow models
As part of the CDT in Sustainable Civil Engineering
Supervised by: Ochieng, W.Angeloudis, P.
Song, Junwoo Application of statistical learning to robust traffic operation
Supervised by: Han, K., Ochieng, W.
Teoh, Roger Climate forcing of aircraft contrails: uncertainty quantification and mitigation potential 
Supervised by: Majumdar, AStettler, MEJ. 
Wu, Chenyang Modelling of shared vehicles demand
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.; Polak, J.; Le Vine, S.
Zhu, Lin Data fusion for travel time estimation
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.; Polak, J.


Photo Details
 George England

Professor Andrew Evans

Senior Research Investigator, Emeritus Professor of Transport Risk Management
Professor Andrew Evans is Lloyds Register Professor of Transport Risk Management in the Centre for Transport Studies. His research interests include railway and road safety, risk estimation, risk appraisal, the economics of safety, and safety regulation. He served as an expert witness at the Cullen and Uff rail accident inquiries, is Chairman of PACTS and a member of various transport safety committees as well as being specialist adviser to the House of Lords 96-97. 
 Neil Hoose

Neil Hoose

Senior Research Investigator, Visiting Professor 
In 1999 Neil formed the Bittern Partnership, which subsequently became Bittern Consulting Limited in 2003, an independent consultancy specialising in intelligent transport systems, with particular experience in traffic monitoring technologies and traffic data systems. 
 Stephen Glaister

Professor Stephen Glaister

Emeritus Professor of Transport Infrastructure, CBE, PhD, FICE, FTRF, FCGI
Transport Policy, Infrastructure appraisal, Utility regulation and privatisation. Transport planning in London, Private finance initiative, Public private partnerships.
 Tony Ridley

Professor Tony Ridley

Emeritus Professor of Transport Engineering 
Since his retirement in 1999, after a distinguished career in Industry and Academe, Tony Ridley has maintained a high profile in professional and technical affairs, acting as an advisor on transport-related engineering problems as well as Government-backed school building programmes. As a past President, he has until recently represented the Institution of Civil Engineers on the World Council of Civil Engineers. 
Emeritus and Senior Research Investigators
Emeritus and Senior Research Investigators

Visiting and honorary staff

Name Details
Mike Bell Visiting Professor: Senior Research Investigator of Transport Operations.  Director of Transport Operations Research Group at University of Newcastle in 1996 and promoted to Personal Chair in the same year.  Joined Imperial College in 2002 where his research and teaching interests have spanned travel demand forecasting, network modelling, traffic engineering and control, transport telematics, and logistics.
Samer Bageen  Visiting Professor: Arcadis and the University of Kent
Jorge Varela Barreras Honorary Research Fellow: Batteries and their applications in e-mobility and energy storage
David Bayliss Visiting Professor: Chairman of the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund
Robert Cochrane Visiting Profesor: Has over 40 years international experience in financial appraisal, planning, construction and operation of transport facilities. Following a career which has included periods as Director of two leading consultancy practices, he has operated for the last 8 years as an Independent Consultant. Experience in container ports includes design, construction and operation of the world's largest private terminals and the development of strategic plans for Hong Kong as a logistics hub for the Pearl River and Asia.
Sheila Farrell Visiting Professor
Nils Goldbeck Honorary Research Fellow: Urban infrastructure systems affect their resilience against disruptions
Simon Hu  Honorary Research Fellow: Transport telematics; Vehicle emissions modelling; Traffic simulation modelling; Dynamic route guidance system; Traffic management and data fusion
Ioannis Kaparias Honorary Lecturer: Traffic Management, Intelligent Transport Systems, Transport Network Reliability, Travel Behaviour, Transport and Public Realm
Rajesh Krishnan Honorary Research Fellow: Dr Rajesh Krishnan is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre for Transport Studies. His research areas include Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), traffic sensors, real-time and offline analysis and use of transport data, traffic control and management and public transport.  He has been involved with a number of cutting edge ITS projects, working closely with academia and local government agencies in the UK. 
Mauro Manela Honorary Lecturer: TFL
Nick Molden Senior Research Fellow
Ali Niknejad Honorary Research Associate: Maritime transport; vessel chartering optimisation; supply chain risk management.
Charilaos Latinopoulos Honorary Research Associate: Analysis of electric vehicle drivers' recharging behaviour and the development of business models for parking facilities and charging service providers; emerging mobility services and the application of dynamic pricing methods for supply-demand imbalance problems.
Martin Lee-Gosselin Visiting Profesor:  Specialises in survey, group process, analysis and evaluation methods to investigate activity/travel behaviour, both as it exists now, and in response to future changes in policy, or the availability of alternative energy, vehicle and telecommunications technologies.
Kenta Matsui  Sponsored Researcher: Fleet management algorithms for autonomous mining dump trucks.
Lazarus Ojigi Visiting Professor: His specialisation areas include Space Geodesy, Satellite Remote Sensing, Geospatial Data Science/Computing and Engineering Surveying. He is Professor of Geomatics (Surveying and Geoinformatics), and was formerly with the Department of Geomatics, at the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. He was the Director of Mission Planning and Satellite Data Management Department at the National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA), Abuja, Nigeria. He is currently the Executive Director of African Regional Institute for Geospatial Information Science and Technology (AFRIGIST), under the auspices of United Nation Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Obafemi Awolowo University Campus, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Professor Ojigi’s research interests’ area is in Geodesy and Surveying.
Marcus Wigan Visiting Professor: His research interests include (i) integrated transport policy including powered and unpowered two and three wheelers, as well as mobility options ranging from electric bicycles to hybrid and conventional 'cars', freight and logistical systems and modelling analyses of all these areas; pavement management systems and ITS; GIS applications to human geography; Location Based Services and their ITS and privacy and surveillance aspects; Governance of transport and information systems; transport data and its effective utilisation; and contestable evidence based policy as a transformative tool in the transitions to sustainability.
Visiting and Honorary staff

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Centre for Transport Engineering and Modelling
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ - UK

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6100