Professor David Nowell
Professor of Machine Dynamics, Director of Vibration University Technology Centre
Room 561, Tel. 020 7594 1458

Dr Christoph Schwingshackl, Reader
Room 559, Tel 020 7594 1920

Dr Ludovic Renson, Lecturer
Room 558, Tel 020 7594 7073

Dr Sina Stapelfeldt, Lecturer
Room 556, Tel 020 7594 7076

Dr Ricardo Puente Rico, Research Fellow
Room 557, Tel 020 7594 2243

Other staff

Research staff

Open Plan Room 562

Mr Daniel Alarcón Cabana
Mr Matthew de Brett
Dr Fadi el Haddad
Mr Alfredo Fantetti
Dr Fabian Hualca-Tigsilema
Dr Luke Muscutt
Dr Anirudh Rao
Dr Michal Szydlowski
Dr Prathiban Sureshkumar
Dr Aykut Tamer
Dr Yuandong Xu

Research students

Mr Jiří Blahoš
Mr Jonah Harris
Mr Harry Hill
Vinko Jezerčič

Ms Eve Lian
Mr Tom Mace
Mr Jacob Merson
Mr Sam Mitchell
Mr Bemin Sheen
Mr Alex Traffford

Support staff

Mr Peter Higgs - Senior Research Support Officer
Room 555, Tel 020 7594 7078

Contact us

Vibration UTC
Department of Mechanical Engineering
City & Guilds Building
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7594 7078

Professor David Nowell, Director of the Vibration UTC

Mr Peter Higgs, Research Support Officer for the Vibration UTC.


Vacancies for students and staff positions are advertised on the Imperial College Employment site.

Please check the links frequently as they are updated on a regular basis.