
Postdoctoral researchers

The following opportunities are available:

Exceptional candidates seeking external fellowships are welcome to contact Dr. Kovac to discuss opportunities. External postdoctoral fellowships for research in the lab include:


We are always looking for talented candidates with a passion for robotics to join our lab and greatly appreciate your interest in the research and activities of our group. Prospective students are welcome to contact Dr. Kovac for opportunties. However, due to the overwhelming interest we receive from applicants who wish to be involved with our lab, we are sometimes unable to give a response to each email message we receive. 

Currently, PhD positions are available through the Centre for Doctoral Training in Fluid Dynamics across scales and the Imperial College PhD Scholarship Scheme. Often PhD's are self funded through PhD scholarship programmes with their home country and the UK. 



PhD Studentships in Bio-Inspired Aerial Robotics (May 2017)


The lab is generally happy to include motivated and capable undergraduates in the ongoing research. Possibilites include UROP placements, volunteering appointments and final year projects. Please contact Dr. Kovac for opportunities.

Contact us

Prof. Mirko Kovac
Department of Aeronautics
Office hours Thursday 2-3pm
Email: m.kovac@imperial.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)207 594 5063

See Our location (Google maps)
See South Kensington Campus map